100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Bible Study: 9:30am CST
Sunday Worship: 10:30am CST
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00pm CST
(903) 494-5390

Our Mission
God is our priority and so we strive to put God First (Matt.22:37-38; Matt.6:33; Matt.10:37).
We believe that the purpose of the church is to glorify God (Eph.3:21). So you will find us worshipping God according to New Testament Bible practices. 1). In Spirit (that is, with a genuine, sincere, spiritual attitude) and in Truth (Jn.4:23-24) according to New Testament Bible teaching; 2). By remembering the Lord’s Death (1Cor.11:23-29), upon each and every first day of the week (Acts 20:7; Acts 2:42; Lk.22:17-20); 3).By praying (1Tim.2:1; Acts 2:42); 4). By “teaching and admonishing one another in spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord” (Eph.5:19; Col.3:16; Matt.26:30; and by singing with the understanding also (1Cor.14:15). You won’t find us playing an instrument, humming, yodling, whistling or engaged in hand clapping, as such does not teach spiritual or Bible truths (Col.3:16) and such cannot be understood (1Cor.14:15). God simply instructs his people to sing; not sing and play. Additionally, you will find us practicing New Testament religion by giving attendance to reading, teaching and preaching (1Tim.4:13; Acts 20:7; Acts 2:42; 2Tim.4:2-4); by giving cheerfully (2Cor.9:7) or by laying by in store (a common treasury, from which to do good works), as God has prospered each individual separately (1Cor.16:2), according as one purposeth in his heart (2Cor.9:7) and we do this each and every first day of the week (1Cor.16:2).
We believe that the church is the pillar and ground of Truth (1Tim.3:15; Eph.3:9-11). We glory God in the church (Eph.3:21). This necessarily condems any man-made institutions or organizations, such as a college or a religious publication, from training preachers or dissiminating Truth; from conducting worship service, lecturships or gospel meetings. The only institution that has the authority to sound out the Word of the Lord and spread their faith abroad (1Thess.1:8) is the church that Jesus purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28). Yes an individual can do his or her own work, but an individual is not an organization.
We believe that the Work of the church is to: 1). Preach to the lost or those outside of Christ (1Thess.1:8); 2). Preach to the saved or to edify the collected saints or church (Eph.4:16); and 3). Provide benevolence to christians (saints) who are in need (1Tim.5:16; Acts 2:44-45; Acts 4:32-35; Acts 6:1-6; Acts 11:27-30; Rom.15:25-31; 1Cor.16:1-3; 2Cor.8:1-4,13-14; 2Cor.9:1,13-14). Please note that individual christians do have benevolent responsibilities, as those opportunities arise (Gal.6:10; James 1:27); however the church is not tasked with the responsibility to feed the globe.
We believe that each local church does its own work autonomously, according to their own ability and not in and through any other local church, nor in and through any man-made organization or institution. The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philipi (Phil.1:1), “to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philipi (singular), with the bishops and deacons (plural).” Please Note: the word bishop, means overseer. In Acts 20:17, Paul “sent to Ephesus, and called the elders (plural) of the church (singular).” In verse 28, he told them, “take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock (singular), over which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers (plural).” Therefore elders, bishops and overseers are the same, but what is “ALL THE FLOCK” which they are “OVER”? Peter through the Holy Spirit explains in (1Pet.5:2): “Feed the flock of God which is AMONG YOU, taking the oversight thereof,” So the oversight of elders or bishops, is always limited to the location where they are members – “among you” (1Cor.12:27). Elders or overseers in Austrailia, have no Bible authority to oversee a person, a local flock or church that is located in Texas and visa versa. There is no inter-congregational oversight on earth and contrary to current religious practices among many religious institutions, there was no single treasury of multiple churches in the first century. Elder’s have authority to: 1). Pay a preacher for his work (1Cor.9:4-14; 2Cor.11:8-9; 1Tim.4:12-15). 2). Give direct support for a preacher’s work (Phil.4:5; 2Cor.11:8; 1Cor.16:17; Acts 18:1-3). But unless that preacher is “among” them, in the same assembly, where they are members, It is not oversight that the elders have, but spiritual fellowship or joint participation (Phil.1:5). These Bible passages and Bible principles would eliminate the man-made sponsoring church arrangement, where many churches work through one church; These Bible passages would eliminate the papal or catholic system of faith, overseeing all churches and these Bible passages would eliminate the denominational one-man pastoral system, where only one man oversees one church.
We invite you to come study the evidence Dr. David Bonner presents to establish the existence of God,
the Bible as the Word of God, and to expose the numerous scientific and Biblical problems
with the popular theory of macroevolution. http://www.gospelnotes.info/gospel-...
The christians that meet at this place are interested in plain Bible teaching and preaching on all religious and moral matters (2Tim.4:2). We believe one must have Bible Authority for all things done in the name of religion (Col.3:17; 2Jn.vs.9) and so we are careful to: 1). Speaking as the Bible speaks (1Pet.4:11); 2). Be silent where the Bible is silent (Lev.10:1-2; Deut.17:3; Heb.7:14), 3). Do Bible things in Bible ways (Jer.6:16; 1Pet.2:21; Jn.13:15; Phil.4:9; Heb.8:5); 4). Call Bible things by Bible names (Col.3:17; Acts 4:12), including being mindful that christians are called by and through the teachings of the gospel (2Thess.2:14), and not by anyone's “think so’s” (Isa.55:8-9) or by what “seems right” (Prov.14:12).·
We cordially invite you to come study the Bible and worship God with us (Jn.4:24), as we strive to build one another up in the most holy faith (Jude 1:20); As we strive to grow in His grace and knowledge (1Pet.3:18) and as we strive to endure in those spiritual blessings (Eph.1:3) until the end (Matt.10:22), when the faithful will be rewarded eternal life (Matt.25:46; Rom.6:23; 1Tim.6:12; Titus 1:2; 1Jn.2:25).
Denomination / Affiliation:
Churches of Christ
Primary Language:
We believe in the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27; 2Tim.3:16-17), regarding God’s instruction for Man’s Salvation. We believe that Salvation or Redemption has two parts: God’s part and man’s part. We believe that with God’s part, one is: 1). Saved by God’s Grace (Eph.2:8; Acts 15:11) 2). Saved by God’s Mercy (Titus 3:5); 3). Saved by the Blood of Christ (Eph.1:7; 1Pet.1:18-20; Rev.1:5); and 4). Saved by the Gospel of Christ (Rom.1:16; 1Cor.15:1-2; James 1:21).
And We believe that with man’s part, one is: 1). Saved by one’s willingness to Hear the gospel or by Calling (Acts.22:16) on the name or the authority of our Lord’s gospel (Rom.10:1-3,13-17; 2Thess.2:14; Acts 4:12; Matt.7:21); 2).Saved by Faith or Belief in Christ (Acts 16:31; Jn.8:24; Heb.11:6; Jn.3:16,18); 3). Saved by Repentance (Lk.13:3; Acts 11:18; Acts 17:30). Note the Definition of repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change in action (Matt.21:28-30) and a few examples are recorded as: “Let him that stole, steal no more” (Eph.4:28); “Go and sin no more” (Jn.8:11). With Man's part in salvation, the Bible says one is, 4). Saved by Confession (Matt.10:32-33; Rom.10:9-10; Acts 8:37); 5).Saved by Baptism (1Pet.3:21; Mk.16:16; Acts 22:16); 6). Saved by Works of Righteousness (not the works of men Acts 10:35); as we’ll be judged by them (Rev.20:12, 22:12; James 2:24); 7). Saved by Hope (Rom.8:24); and 8). Saved by Endur(ing) to the end (Matt.10:22) or by be(ing) faithful unto death (Rev.2:10).
To abide in the teachings or doctrine of Christ (2Jn.vs.9), one must accept and do all of God’s instructions, not just one or some of them, as the Bible says: “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” or separate (Mark 10:9). Additionally, one cannot add to, nor take away from God's Word (Deut.4:2; Prov.30:6; Rev.22:18-19).
Some examples of what God hath joined together, which man must not separate, nor add to or take away are: 1). We have Belief coupled with Baptism (Mark 16:16); 2). We have Repentance coupled with Baptism (Acts 2:38); And 3). we have confession coupled with Baptism (Acts 8:35-39).
We believe that God adds the saved (christians) to HIS church (not man's church). That is, once those that have complied with God's instructions indicated above, will be saved (Rom.8:24); And then God adds those individuals to the Book of Life (Phil.4:3; Rev.3:5 and His church (Acts 2:47,41). Man does not add anyone to the church or book of life.
We are simply christians who believe: 1). Christ built the church (Matt.16:18); 2). Christ purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28); 3). Christ gave Himself for the church (Eph.5:25); 4). Christ is the chief cornerstone or foundation of the church (Eph.2:19-22; 1Cor.3:11). Collectively, we call ourselves the “church of Christ” (Rom.16:16) for this very reason; because the church belongs to Christ. The Bible plainly teaches, “neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12); and that men are not to call themselves after other men (1Cor.1:12-14). One can read the Bible from cover to cover and not once will one find that it produces anything but a CHRISTIAN (Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1Pet.4:16); hence, not a Baptist, not a Methodist, not a catholic, not a luthern, not a morman, etc.
Primary Bible Version Used:
King James Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
GREENVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 75402.
Church Profile Manager: Michael Wright