Meet The Pastor

Pastor Dave Lucus
Pastor Dave Lucus started ministry at age 21 on July 4, 1971 at Bono Baptist Church near Cleburne, Texas. This ministry arose due to the extended illness of Pastor A. D. Karaway who faithfully attended during pastor Lucus' ministry. Bro Lucus married Michelle DeRiso on July 9 that same year. Bro Lucus received his BA degree from Dallas Baptist College, now a University, in 1972. Pastor Lucus received his MDiv degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978. while serving the Calvary Baptist Church in Bryan. After pastoring Calvary from 1978nto 1984, he and Michelle relocated to Austin where he pastored the First Baptist Church of Oak Hill until May of 2000. Having led FBC Oakhill through a major relocation project, entered to full time computer work with Compusource of Austin until relocating to Rio Vista where he worked a short time with American Hospice as a Chaplain. From this position brother Lucus re entered the pastorate at Baker Baptist Church where he had previously pastored during his seminary days. After serving at Baker until 2006 Bro Lucus worked for the Hyde Plastics company in Joshua. Bro Lucus received a call for help from the Associational Missionary working with a church in Big Springs, Texas. In this location, Bro Lucus worked with the Crestview Church to restart it. As a restart, pastor Lucus was working with the North American Mission board as well as his local CrossRoads association. After serving in the Big Springs area, pastor Lucus was called to the First Baptist Church of Milano, where he served for 4 and a half years. While at FBC Milano pastor Lucus became acquainted with the Liberty Community Church where he currently serves.