Meet The Pastor

Hi I am Bishop Ken Corbin pastor of St. Francis Community of Faith for All People, " A Sanctuary for Spirituality"
Bishop Kenneth Corbin
Welcome and thank you for viewing St. Francis Community of All People, " A Sanctuary for Spirituality". I am a Bishop with the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit. I have been in ministry for the last 35 years. In addition to being a Bishop, pastor and fellow member of the community I have been married for 26 years and have a license as a Clinical Social Worker and a Board Certified Interfaith Chaplain. We are a Catholic, universal, alternative community not connected to Rome but Catholic in sacraments, theology and worship. We welcome all people and do not have rigid rules or regulations which keep people from experiencing the Divine power of life and love in all creation. I hope you will take the opportunity to visit with us and share in our community. One of the most important gifts we have been given is the Indwelling of the Divine and yet this very precious gift is often not realized and or developed. We hope at St. Francis to help develop, deepen and broaden our experience of the Indwelling Trinity through prayer, community and fellowship. Life can be challenging at times and to try and go it alone is so difficult but with the Spirit and the community we do not have to go it alone for we have each other. We celebrate the liturgy of the mass each Saturday evening and we practice a Catholic non Roman theology. What this means is that we do not expect people to do things out of obligation but because it makes sense spiritually for the lives they and we are living already. We do not deny anyone the sacraments for Jesus who is our model and leader welcomes all people and some followed and some did not want to at that time in their life. If the Divine does not force us to love the Spirit why should we? What we offer is a spiritual journey where one can experience their own understanding of the Divine and express that relationship in the way they wish. Peace Ken
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