101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
254 South Buckman St.
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
United States
Service Times
Sunday 10:45 a.m.
(502) 543-7721
Senior Pastor Adam Smith

Our Mission

Seeking to be disciples who make disciples.
Our mission is to lead people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ and to develop them into mature followers of Jesus.

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About First Baptist Church of Shepherdsville

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Shepherdsville! We hope you will join us for one of our services! Regardless of your background or your familiarity with the Bible, we strive to present teaching that will be valuable to you. If you have been searching for a place to belong, we would love to welcome you into our family! First Baptist is a community of people seeking to live as followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that means worshiping together, learning and growing together, serving our community, and generally having a great time together as a family of faith. We're made up of young and not-as-young, families, single adults, and senior adults. We come from a variety of backgrounds and life circumstances. None of us are perfect, but we're striving to become the people God created us to be. With all of that said, regardless of who you are, where you've come from, or what you've done, there's a place for you at the First Baptist family table. So pull up a chair and join us!
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style: Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Community Projects: Over-24
Primary Language: English


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Christian School
Food Pantry
Vacation Bible School
MISSION POSSIBLE KIDS is for 1st through 5th graders on Wednesday nights. It is an exciting hands on ministry where kids are Special Agents who are doing God's work by helping others! They also have a Bible lesson and other fun activities! YOUTH GROUP is for teens and preteens in 6th - 12th grade. We get together in the gym/youth building for a time of relevant Bible-based teaching. We will also have snacks, fun group games, and time to just hang out together! YOUNG AT HEART is open to all Senior Adults age 55 and up. We are on the move for missions, ministry, fellowship and travel! WORSHIP & MUSIC MINISTRY opportunities are available for those who enjoy serving by singing in the choir or on the praise team, playing an instrument and/or running the audio/visual equipment!
WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL: Our weekday preschool is for kids ages 3 and 4. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Our VBS takes place every year during one week of summer vacation. FOOD PANTRY: Our food pantry is open on the third Friday of every month from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. The pantry is stocked through groceries and funds donated by our church family and friends, along with donations from Dare to Care. MARTIE'S KITCHEN: Every Monday at 6:00 p.m. (except holidays) we prepare and serve a free community meal. CLOTHES CLOSET: Our clothes closet is open for clothing give away the first Monday of each month from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m, unless there is a holiday in which case it would be the following Monday. SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE: We collect and distribute school supplies to children in our community to help them get ready for school. ANNUAL HEALTH FAIR: Each year we host a community health fair. Health care professionals provide free health screenings, flu shots, and health and nutrition information. We also provide personal hygiene items and lunch.


(1) The Christian Bible is the written Word of God. The Bible is ultimate truth and is the final authority by which we measure all else. Every word in it was inspired by God. It is the only religious book that is completely accurate and reliable. (2) Our leader, Jesus, is both fully man and fully God. He died and came back to life and is alive today! No other leader was killed, buried, and then raised back to life. Jesus was, and it was all confirmed by many witnesses. He was able to die because he was fully human, and he was able to raise himself from the dead because he was also fully God. (3) God has given us the answer to why there is sin in the world. The Bible explains that evil exists in the world because of humanity's choice to rebel against God. This sin separates us from God, breaks our relationship with him, and distorts what we were created to be. (4) Jesus is the remedy for sin. Because Jesus was able to live a perfect sinless life as a human, something we could never do, he was qualified to pay the consequence for sin--our sin, if we will put our trust in him. When we do this, the payment for our sin is fulfilled in Jesus and we get credited with his righteousness instead. Jesus demonstrated his power over death by rising from the dead, and if we choose to follow him, he will one day raise us from the dead too--in perfected bodies that can never again die. (5) We know it is impossible to earn our salvation and the reward of heaven. By faith we accept it as a gift! No matter how much good we do, we can never erase our sin. The penalty for that sin is an eternity in Hell and separation from God. So, we could never earn our salvation, but Jesus already made the way for us to be saved by sacrificing himself on our behalf. The gift has been offered and all we need to do is accept it. To do this we acknowledge that we are sinners who have no hope apart from Jesus, ask him to forgive us for our sins, express our belief in his death, burial and resurrection, and commit to living our lives for him. (6) God pursued us before we ever pursued him! Other religions focus on what one has to do to pursue God and be "good enough" for him to accept us. Christians know that we can never be "good enough". God knew this too, and that is why he made another way! He reached down to us before we ever reached up to him! (7) We have a relationship with God, not a checklist of do's and don'ts. Christianity is not a list of rules to follow. It is a relationship with God. This is what we were created for. He is our Father who has adopted us into his family. We did not earn this privilege by doing a bunch of good things. Rather, the good works we do flow out of our relationship with him and our love for him. For our complete Statement of Beliefs visit
Primary Bible Version Used: New International Version
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency: Occasionally
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


First Baptist Church of Shepherdsville is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 40165.

Church Profile Manager: Sheila Smith