100 or less Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
We wedlcome you at our church home
716 Van Buren Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
United States
Jacksonville, FL 32202
United States
Service Times
Our service times are Wed. and Fri. Night Bible Study and Fellowship at 7:15pm
Church School Sunday Morning at 10:00am
Morning Worship Service at 11:30am
(904) 366-5795

Bishop Dr. Maurice W. Williams
Our Mission
Our Mission is clear we are "Preaching to Reach Teaching to Preserve Building KINGDOM PEOPLE for Christ While helping people on their life's journey.
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About PowerHouse Spirit of Fire Ministries Church
Hello and God bless. We here at the PowerHouse Spirit of Fire Ministries Church are on a mission for the Master. Here we build KINGDOM PEOPLE . We understand that everyone has challenges of some sort, but our Pastor teaches that God is a God of 2nd CHANCES. Come and be a part of something very very special for the PowerHouse is a No Judgement Zone and we would love to see YOU in our house. Abundant Love for you from our Pastor and the PowerHouse family.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Leadership classes for Minister's, Deacon's, Mother's, Missionaries, Evangelist's and other ministerial callings
Premarital sessions available. Family counseling available. Couples counseling available. Youth and Young Adult counseling available and Singles counseling.
We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We believe in God the Father almighty creator of, maker of and ruler of all things. Jesus acknowledges God as Father in Saint John 14:20 and 15:8. Jesus also makes sure that we understand the Fatherhood by pointing us to Saint Matthew 11:25. We believe that Jesus has always existed but solely as the Son of God and not God himself. We further acknowledge that though Jesus Christ is coequal with God the Father in spirit and person, we hereto attest that Jesus Christ is not God exclusively but God inclusively, as pointed out in Saint John 10:30, for this cause and by this measure of reason we believe that Jesus Christ is in fact the only begotten Son of the most high God. We further attest to the fact that he is the second person in the Godhead, Trinity or Triune. The Trinity is talked about in the following passages: Saint Matthew 28:19 – Saint John 14:26 – Saint John 15:26 – 2nd Corinthians 13:14 – 1st Peter 1:2. Jesus Christ was and yet is eternal, but again only as the Son of God as pointed out in Saint John 1:1. We further believe that he (Jesus) was born of a virgin according to the scripture as it is recorded in Saint Matthew 1:18, we further believe that Jesus Christ came as a suffering servant to redeem man back to God as recorded in Romans 5:10. We believe that Jesus Christ is sitting on the right hand of God the Father as mediator for all mankind who wish to be heaven bound (ref. 1st Timothy 2:1-6) We believe that the Holy Ghost is the third person in the Godhead, he comes from the Father and handed down to us through the Son and he is of the same substance as they are, coequal in power and glory as the Father and Son. Remember this point, the Holy Ghost is to be obeyed, worshiped and believed in just as the Father and Son. The Holy Ghost is a gift given to believers to
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
PowerHouse Spirit of Fire Ministries Church is a Pentecostal Church located in Zip Code 32202.
Church Profile Manager: Maurice Williams