The Pentecostal movement began with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early 1900s and is characterized by a definite experience that occurs after salvation know as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This experience with God is after salvation and empowers the believer to live a Holy Spirit filled life with the gifts of the Spirit such as healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues. This experience is similar to the initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 - hence the name Pentecostals. After the Azusa street revival in 1905, when thousands came from all over America, the movement spread rapidly as people took the message and experience back to their local churches. Because many who spoke in tongues found themselves not welcome in traditional churches, new groups and churches arose such as Assemblies of God, Church of God in Christ, Foursquare Gospel, Pentecostal Holiness, Full Gospel and others. The Charismatic movement that began in the 1960s shares most of the same beliefs as the Pentecostal movement but many were able to stay within their denominations instead of breaking off to form new ones.