Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1306 Lafayette Street
Cape Coral, FL 33904
United States
Cape Coral, FL 33904
United States
Service Times
Sunday School/Ladies' Circle/Prayer Service 9:30 on Sunday Mornings
Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:30
Wednesday Night 7:00
(239) 247-4857

Lead Minister 727.743.0438
Our Mission
Your Spiritual Home for a Faith-Centered Life
The Church of Jesus Christ will teach the Gospel to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things commanded by Jesus Christ.
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About The Church of Jesus Christ
The Church of Jesus Christ is rooted in the truth of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s vision for mankind as communicated through scripture. It represents the kingdom of Jesus Christ as He established it here on earth; restored in glory for mankind with the same gifts, ordinances, structure and faith. The Church serves humbly as a gateway through which God’s spirit can be shared with the world. It is a spiritual home for people across the globe and a conduit for God’s blessings and miracles.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Preaching/Prayer/Testimony/Scriptural Study/Social Events
Faith/Applied belief and trust in God: faith in Atonement & Salvation through Christ; absence of guilt. Faith in His company; in His guidance. Reliance upon His will & power.
Love/Charity/God's love for mankind: man's devotion to or adoration of God; Loving each other with the same Love that God has shown for us. Goodwill, kindness, generosity, helpfulness, tolerance, patience.
Hope/Desire or aspiration that is accompanied by a confident expectation of fulfillment:Hope for Resurrection & Salvation: hope for the Plans & Promises of God in this life.
Unity/Oneness; harmony; continuity without contention; brotherhood: being in one Spirit - i.e.: the Holy Spirit. Holding to one Faith. Pressing to be aligned with His Word. Setting aside oneself for the sake of the whole. Working as a team.
Righteousness/Meeting the standards of Right in the eyes of Christ: following His instructions. Repenting of all unrighteousness. Acting in accord with divine and/or moral law. Maintaining Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Congruence/Alignment of our words with our deeds: doing the things we say we should/will do. Making our actions prove out our claims: our yeas, yeas and our nays, nays.
Responsibility/Duty, obligation, burden: accepting accountability with reliability. Trustworthiness. Fulfilling our roles as saints, as appointed, as ordained.
Empathy/Identifying with another's situation, feelings, motives; putting ourselves in the place of one in need; taking on the hurt of another; praying and acting with that motivation that would be associated with our own needs.
Loyalty/Feelings of devoted attachment and affection that generate supportive actions; holding to Christ, His Gospel, His Church in the face of opposition. Working constructively and positively to overcome internal shortcomings. Being faithful.
Leadership/The capacity and ability to lead with appropriate urgency; engendering trust and loyalty among the body. Setting the example of perseverance and Faith.
Honor/Special esteem or respect: given or received: accepting our servitude as the highest opportunity and privilege. Engaging with truthfulness, integrity, and respect.
Rights/Respect/Rights: things due to a person by law or tradition. Respect: Holding another’s rights or person in high esteem.
Avoiding offense/Regarding others at least as equals: duty; a required act or course of action.
Moral obligation/Carrying out assignments; supporting the body. Fulfilling tasks. Particularly when challenged by lack of understanding or excitement.
Primary Bible Version Used:
King James Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Regularly Practice:
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
The Church of Jesus Christ is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 33904.
Church Profile Manager: Philip Benyola