Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday 10:00AM (Morning Worship), Sunday 10:15AM (Morning Bible Study), Sunday 5:00PM (Evening Worship), Sunday 6:00PM (Evening Worship), Wednesday 6:30 PM (Midweek Bible Study)
(256) 766-3617
Minister Austin Johnson
Our Mission
A place to believe, belong, and become
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About Florence Boulevard church of Christ
Florence Boulevard Church of Christ is a Christian church in Florence Alabama. This Churches of Christ church serves Lauderdale County AL - Pastor Preacher-Evangelist Terry Broom.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Churches of Christ
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Food Pantry
Vacation Bible School
Lads-to-Leaders, Room in the Inn, World Bible School, Young Professionals
• We are a group of people striving to serve and honor Christ. We are committed to serving God and to seeking and saving the lost, Matthew 28:18-20.
• We are a congregation that is independent, with no head except for our living Savior, Jesus Christ, Ephesians 1:22-23. We are organized congregationally. Elders are God’s shepherds who protect, guide, and care for the flock. Elders appoint servants who are in an official capacity called deacons, 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
• We are committed to preaching and teaching the Word of God in love and in truth, Ephesians 4:1. We believe in maintaining Biblical balance. This means that while we want to follow the truth we will do so in a loving, gentle, manner, 2 Timothy 2:24-25. It also means that we seek neither to make laws where God has not made them nor do we seek to take away the laws that God did make. In this way we seek to follow the motto that says “In matters of faith, unity; in matters of opinion, liberty; in all things, love.”
• When preaching the Gospel, members are urged to live pure lives and to continue to be faithful to God’s word. Sinners are urged to obey Christ by believing in Him, repenting of their sins, confessing their faith in Christ and being immersed to wash their sins away, Acts 2:38, 22:16, Mark 16:16. Upon so obeying they are recognized as Christians and members of the body of Christ.
• Our members refer to the congregation as the “church of Christ”, not in a denominational sense, but in the same sense in which Paul used it in Romans 16:16. We recognize that there is no one particular title for the church in the New Testament, but we use this phrase simply to give the honor to the One who deserves it. He shed His blood to purchase the church so we are simply recognizing that we are a church that belongs to Him.
• We are committed to simple and spiritual worship. When you come to our Sunday services you will find that we: sing (A Cappella); take the Lord’s supper weekly as a memorial of the death of Jesus; preach from the Word of God; pray together; and take the opportunity to give of our means.
Primary Bible Version Used:
English Standard Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
Florence Boulevard church of Christ is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 35630.
Church Profile Manager: Steve Clark