Meet The Pastor

Co-Pastors Bear Deardorff and Paul Weston Eden
DCF Co-Pastor, Bear Deardorff is an Ordained and Licensed Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bear surrendered his life to Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior in 1978, he was called to preach and subsequently licensed by the SBC in 1982. Bear was educated in Pastoral Studies at Southwest Baptist University. As a bi-vocational Minister, he now works full-time in the Construction industry in the local Denver Metro market. While he no longer is a "full-time" Pastor of a church, he used to be the Senior Pastor of a non-denominational Christian Church located in Denver called “Church on the Outside”.
He has also served as a Volunteer Prison Chaplain with the Jefferson County Detention Center, with Christ For Prisoners and with an ex-offender organization called Friends in Transition. He also has an extensive background in Small Group Ministry Leadership and Training as he worked for 10 years as the International Director of Marketing and Seminars for Serendipity House Publishing. Bear also assisted Serendipity House Founder, Lyman Coleman and others in the development of curriculum and protocols for the Denver-based international men's ministry Marked Men For Christ.
Bear has served as a Care Pastor, Small Groups Pastor, Deacon, Elder, Drama Ministry Director and in various other positions of leadership in local churches wherever he has lived. He previously served as an Elder, the Board Vice President and the Creative Director of a Puppet Ministry called P.I.G.S. (Puppets In God’s Service) at a local community church in Littleton Colorado. He also is currently the President of Love Bears All, Inc., a Christian charitable nonprofit organization that serves people in need who find themselves at a crisis point in their lives.
Bear has a heart for the broken, hurting and needy people in his community and he is called to serve them compassionately with a focus always on sharing with them the truth of God’s love and His free gift of salvation for all which comes by God's grace through our faith in Jesus Christ alone.
DCF Co-Pastor, Paul Weston Eden is an Ordained and Licensed Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the Executive Director of Kudos! Ministry, SSM, a Christian discipleship training program, currently focused on spiritual warfare training.
In 1979, Weston was summoned to appear in court under the “Habitual Offenders Act”, a law created to discipline drivers with jail time for accumulating too many traffic violations. The Judge, ready to throw Weston in jail, for reasons unknown (God!) showed mercy. He invited Weston to church and six months later Weston gave his life to Jesus Christ.
Weston has been involved in a variety of ministry activities. He has served as an Elder at three churches and was a Prayer Ministry Leader at two local churches where he led in a wide variety of prayer ministry. He is a founding member of FEC United, a grassroots organization developed to mobilize millions of Americans as one single force to restore liberty, demand accountability, and save our nation.
Weston developed and wrote an all-church prayer program, “40 days of Prayer”, to lead churches through a comprehensive prayer agenda for Local, State, Nation and the World. He created and taught a 10-week seminar entitled, “Who Do You Think You Are?!” on our identity in Christ. He posts on social media a “Mighty Men” series to encourage and exhort men in authentic masculinity. He has led numerous classes and teachings on prayer, discipleship, spiritual warfare and the importance of teamwork and authentic fellowship in Christ.
By vocation, Weston is a professional website developer. He founded his company, Inspired Design, in 2002. Previously, he earned the Certified Financial Planner designation, CFP, from the College for Financial Planning and started his own financial planning company, Ameriplan Financial Advisory. He was a financial writer at Transamerica Capital, the marketing division for Transamerica Life Insurance Company. While there he designed, created and wrote copy for several financial product brochures, and created the national marketing tagline for IDEX Mutual Funds.