Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
Meets, permanently, in private homes for worship. Meets for Community Classes at office & other locations
6126 W. State Street
Boise, ID 83703
United States
6126 W. State Street
Boise, ID 83703
United States
Service Times
1:30 p.m. - HOME CHURCH WORSHIP: Close-knit worship with "Jesus" and with one another. Meeting permanently in homes as Jesus did and by invitation so we "know" you.
Focus: To experience with the Lord the unique Word, Power and Presence of Holy Spirit as the first disciples did.
Expect: Prayer, Testimonies, Preaching, Teaching, Miracles ("by God's choice"), Thanksgiving, and Fellowship.
6:00 p.m. - DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING: For members and invited guests. An instructional meeting with various topics for Christian maturity
6:00 p.m.
Holy Ghost Prayer Night & Family Night- For members and invited guests. Meeting permanently in homes.
Visit website for details:
CHURCH SIZE will always be, deliberately, small -- since Jesus Christ has commanded us to meet in homes, as He did, so we "know" each other.
WORSHIP: Jesus Christ chooses the worship He wants at each meeting. We are here to please Him -- not our flesh and to sacredly focus. Thus, no cell phones, cameras, videos -- just total focus on the Spirit of our Lord, Jesus Christ and one another.
(208) 488-8447

Pastor (Minister Clark)
Our Mission
"Because NOTHING Matters But Your Soul!"
See "Church Welcome" menu on website:
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Instead, we choose to focus on doing face-to-face the Lord's assignment to this church. We...
Read more About Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ(tm)/Truth Seekers Church
Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ(tm)/Truth Seekers Church is a new and developing Christian Denomination based in Boise, Idaho.
See website for details:
The Holiness Preachers Network is a separate work and ministry of Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ(tm)/Truth Seekers Church
See website for details:
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Pastoral Care:
All the needs of any repented person (definition of true Christian) are met in Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ/(tm)Truth Seekers Church: From toddler (4-5 years of age) all the way to senior. If you are seeking "only" to please Jesus Christ, and to have your children please Jesus Christ -- it is impossible for your needs to go unmet within Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ(tm)/Truth Seekers Church. The Pastor and every continuing member is committed to live out Jesus Christ's love for you and to stand against Satan's strategy to destroy you. That's called a Christian family. That's what Jesus is all about! If that's what you are after then the needs of your spirit, your heart, your soul and body, your finances and relationships will find peace here.
Along the way of life, there will be births/dedications, marriages/weddings, deaths/funerals and times needing spiritually-wise counsel. When these events happen, the Pastor in Truth Seekers Church is "Anointed", experienced, trained, and equipped by Christ Jesus and previous pastors when I, like you, was a maturing Christian. I (Minister Clark) can, gently and firmly, carry you through those times and serve not only the needs of your spirit, but the whole person -- but only if you are humble to receive it.
Pastoral Perspective:
To provide pastoral, prophetic, and evangelistic support of your love for your families' salvation! To uphold you for the sacrifices you have made to raise families trained in loving God with holy fear and inm the reverential fear of God -- loving people.
A non-proselytizing, non-comparative and non-competing Community Event held monthly throughout the Boise/Treasure Valley region:
"Unraveling The Mystery Christian or Mormonism"
Intended to be a positive, enjoyable time that is strictly informational/educational in exploring the "historical" Christian method for gaining access to and relationship with God, while gaining enlightened appreciation for the uniqueness of Mormonism in Boise, Idaho. The principles can be applied to understanding all religions.
The purpose is to equip persons interested in their own spirituality to discern what is the "historic" Christian method for accessing God.
The motive is that, over a lifetime of spirituality encounters and issues, which all persons contemplate, a person will at least know what is the HISTORIC Christian method for accessing God. When they encounter various approaches throughout all cultures and countries, they can discern for themselves.
We believe, as Christians everywhere believe the basic tenets adopted in the Apostles or Nicene Creeds. However, we believe Jesus Christ is taking Christians everywhere beyond the ritualistic and liturgical spirit of Creeds to more straightforward expressions of faith in Him -- so the boxes are not checked. To understand what this denomination promotes, see Statement of Faith on website:
Primary Bible Version Used:
King James Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ(tm)/Truth Seekers Church is a Pentecostal Church located in Zip Code 83703.
Church Profile Manager: (Minister Clark)