Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
Block 10 , House No. 129, Basement , Behind Mother Dairy Park,
Dakshinpuri Extension , South Delhi
New Delhi, DL 110062
Other Countries
Dakshinpuri Extension , South Delhi
New Delhi, DL 110062
Other Countries
Service Times
5PM to 7PM
(935) 435-3651

Founder and Pastor Vengatachalam Sarona Mahalingam
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About The Lord our Righteous Savior Fellowship
Statement of Belief . . .
The Lord our Righteous Savior Fellowship
Promise word from God to Start the Church
According to
Jeremiah 23: 1- 6.
We believe that mankind was created to fellowship with God, but the freewill to sin took him far
away from Gods presence.
That the wages of Sin is death, but the gift of GOD is Eternal life in Christ Jesus Our Lord (Romans 6:23)
That Jesus[the only son of God] was born on this earth through a virgin girl called Mary[a miracle].
That Jesus died on the cross to destroy the power of sin in our lives.
That Jesus rose from the dead to destroy the power of death from mankind.
That Jesus Ascended to heaven and is seated on the right hand of the father.
That the Holy Spirit is the Power, the Comforter, the helper and the Anointing for the Church and
that the Holy Spirit is more than just an experience : HE IS A PERSON.
That The Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are three distinct personalities but One God.
That God has given the Believer the authority of "Signs and Wonders".
That healing is both spiritual and Physical.
That The Believing, Immersion baptized believer will be saved.
We believe in the Gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus will come and take us be with him on the day of Rapture.
That Jesus and the heavenly hosts will destroy the Antichrist in the battle of Armageddon.
That the whole earth will be judged on the Judgement day.
That the faithful church will live in heaven for eternity.
We believe that our church is called to preach the kingdom of God FIRST to the church as Jesus commissioned the twelve disciples when he said in Matt. Chapter 10 v 5-8 " preach the kingdom to the
lost sheep of Israel" [or the unsaved Christians].
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
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The Lord our Righteous Savior Fellowship is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 110062.
Church Profile Manager: P. Sarona Mahalingam