Meet The Pastor

“Welcome to Cargill United Methodist Church, the greatest church in the world! Okay, I haven’t been to every church in the world, but I’m justly biased! This is a very special community. As you navigate this site I believe you will understand why I say that. Cargill’s people are passionate about a lot of things: worship, incredible music, caring for children and youth, growing in faith, serving the needs of the poor and suffering, working for justice and peace, oh, and eating. We like to eat! Most of all you will find people who envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. I hope you will join us for worship this weekend. Our regular worship times are Saturdays at 5:00pm in the Chapel and Sundays at 9am and 10:30am in the Sanctuary. You can also find the weekly sermons on the website. But if you are in the Janesville area, we hope you will join us and experience our best feature–the people! We would be honored to welcome you this week. There is no shortage of worship opportunities and ways to plug in and find a home at Cargill United Methodist Church. We have a big heart for God and a big desire to show that everyone matters. I hope you will join us soon. I look forward to seeing you.”