Meet The Pastor

Interim Pastor Paula Harris
Pastor Paula is serving as the Interim this year at Luther Memorial, which is a Reconciling in Christ ELCA congregation. (This just means that our church includes everybody.) Paula is actually ordained in the Episcopal church, but our two ways of being Christian share pastors because we agree on many core practices of Christian faith.
Paula is interested in spending time with people who want to talk about the spirituality of being a Christian: daily ways of following Jesus. Although Luther Memorial is currently between settled pastors, we are enjoying lively worship faithful to classic Christian traditions (there's a band most Sundays, and a piano for hymns, and we have communion, like Jesus taught us). We'd be glad to host you if you want to stop by.
The interim time is especially about figuring out: what God is doing around here, who we are as a congregation, and how we can join God in loving and healing and being reconciled to others around us.