101-500 Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1410 8th Street
Marysville, WA 98270
United States
Marysville, WA 98270
United States
Service Times
Sunday Service – 10 AM
at 1410 8th Street, Marysville, WA
Watch the Calendar for Sunday Evening Activities
Youth Ministry – WEDNESDAYS AT 6:30 – 1410 8th Street, Marysville
We are a generation of middle school, high school and college age students that are in passionate pursuit of loving God and our culture.
Life Groups – Various locations and times.
It’s a critical part of doing life at Reset Church. Every week groups meet to dive into God’s Word, grow in relationship with one another and the community through prayer and service. For more information, as well as a current list of groups, please visit the information table in the back of the sanctuary or the bulletin board.
(360) 322-7725
Lead Pastors Jeff & Holly Hastings
Our Mission
Loving God, Loving People
Live like Jesus, Love like Jesus
What to Expect
At our Services:
Songs of Worship: Prioritizing the Great Commandment, using music and other creative elements to express love for God in praise, worship and adoration.
A Time of Welcoming & Connecting: We take time each week to greet those around us who are in attendance. This is a great opportunity to connect to others who are on a similar journey. You’ll have an opportunity to fill out a Connection Card so we can connect with you.
Giving: We’ll put our tithes and offerings in the buckets. If you are a guest, please feel no pressure to give.
A Message: From the Bible that inspires, transforms and renews our faith.
After Service Prayer: Our team is available to meet with you and pray for any need you have.
Ive been attending Reset church for many years now and have seen a lot of changes in the time Ive been there, but one thibg has remained the same...a heart for worship, passion for the word, and wonderful connection within the body..a church after Gods own heart! I LOVE MY...
Read more Nolan
If you are looking for a friendly, Bible-based church this is it!! The atmosphere is very relaxed and friendly!! You barely get through the door before you are welcomed. Worship is also relaxed but very powerful!! Pastor Jeff's messages are bible based!! You will end up...
Read more Holly
We have the most friendly and loving bunch of church peeps! We are so proud of the people who make up Reset Church! They are great volunteers in doing the work of the ministry in every area available. A people who love to worship, pray and be in the Word. If you're...
Read more About Reset Church
Reset Church is an elder-led church. The leadership style is a team ministry model fashioned after the example in the Book of Acts. Our team of elders are submitted to one another. They are led by a senior elder who is responsible for the final direction of the church. The lead pastor is first among equals. Our elders come from various backgrounds and areas of expertise, bringing that expertise to the table along with sound wisdom and discernment.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Statement Of Faith
The fundamental teachings of Reset Church are reflected in the following statements:
We believe in the plenary, verbal inspiration of the accepted canon of the Scriptures as originally given and that they are infallibly and uniquely authoritative and free from error of any sort in all matters with which they deal, including scientific and historical as well as moral and theological (II Timothy 3:16; I Corinthians 2:13).
We believe in the Eternal Godhead who has revealed Himself as ONE God existing in THREE persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; distinguishable but indivisible (Matthew 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14).
We believe in the literal, special creation of the existing space-time universe and all of its basic systems as indicated in Genesis.
We believe in the full historicity of the biblical record of primeval history, including the literal existence of Adam and Eve as the progenitors of all people, the literal fall and resultant divine curse on the creation, the worldwide cataclysmic deluge, and the origin of nations and languages at the tower of Babel (Genesis 1-11).
We believe in the creation, test and fall of man as recorded in Genesis; his total spiritual depravity and inability to attain to divine righteousness apart from God’s intervening grace (Romans 5:12,18).
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of men, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, fully God and fully man (Luke 1:26-35; John 1:18; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6).
We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day, and personally appeared to His disciples (I Corinthians 15:1-8; Romans 4:25).
We believe in the bodily ascension of Jesus to heaven, His exaltation and personal, literal and bodily coming again the second time for the Church (John 14:2-3; I Thessalonians 4:13-18).
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of Christ on the cross by which we obtain remission of sins (Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 9:12, 22; Romans 5:11).
We believe in the necessity of water baptism by immersion in the name of the Eternal Godhead in order to fulfill the command of Christ (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38-39; 19:1-6).
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an experience subsequent to salvation and a distinct aspect of the Christian foundational experience (Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17; 19:6).
We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as enumerated in I Corinthians 12-14 as manifested in the Early Church.
We believe in the Spirit-filled life, a life of separation from the world and the perfecting of holiness in the fear of God as an expression of Christian faith (Ephesians 5:18; II Corinthians 6:14; 7:1).
We believe in the healing of the body by Divine power or Divine healing in its varied aspects as practiced by the Early Church (Acts 4:30; Romans 8:11; I Corinthians 12:9; James 5:14).
We believe in the Table of the Lord, commonly called Communion or the Lord’s Supper, for believers (I Corinthians 11:23-32).
We believe in eternal life for believers (John 5:24; 3:16) and eternal punishment for unbelievers (Mark 9:43-48; II Thessalonians 1:9; Revelation 20:10-15).
We believe in the reality and personality of Satan and the eternal judgment of Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10-15).
Older Children/adults
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
Reset Church is a Spirit-Filled Church located in Zip Code 98270.
Church Profile Manager: Holly Hastings