101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1677 Jamestown Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185
United States
Service Times
8:30am Worship 10am Education Hour 11am Worship Summer Schedule: 10am Worship
(757) 220-0147
Rev. W. Dennis Griffith

Our Mission

"The gospel changes everything!"
Our Core Values ENJOYING THE GLORY OF GOD To value the glory of God is to love God, and to love what He loves. To value the glory of God is to be passionate about learning about God, recognize the weightiness of his Being, to delight in the radiance of His Works, and to take seriously the awesome significance of all of His attributes and His holiness. To value the glory of God is to recognize our greatest satisfaction will be found in Him, and that our greatest joys all come from Him. In short, to value the glory of God is to make much of God, not of ourselves. EMBRACING THE AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE We value the Scripture because it is God’s Word. Because it is God’s Word, it carries the authority of God himself. Through Scripture God reveals to us what we need to know about God, about ourselves, and how He has designed life to be lived. Amazingly, we are not only informed by Scripture, but also formed by it. For we know the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4.12), making wise the simple (Psalm 19.7), and a light that guides us through life (Psalm 119.105). EXPERIENCING THE GOSPEL The gospel is the message of what God has promised, and of what God is doing, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through the gospel God has redeemed a people for himself, and He is restoring his good creation. But the gospel is more than just a set of facts to be believed. The gospel is also the "power of God" to be experienced. (Romans 1.16) Through the power of the gospel, God changes lives and makes all things like new. To value the gospel is to make this message the center our faith. To experience the gospel is to root our lives in this promised power. When we view ourselves and view others. through the lenses of the gospel God forms us as a community. When the gospel shapes the way we live, love, give, serve, speak, parent, and relate to one another, we demonstrate that the grace of Jesus Christ more beautiful than anything life can give or death can take away. ENGAGING GREATER WILLIAMSBURG & HISTORIC TRIANGLE Grace Covenant is a church “for” the community where God has placed us: Williamsburg and the Historic Triangle. o Some churches are "of" the culture - they so embrace the culture that they lose their identity and distinctiveness. o Some churches are “against” the culture - they so oppose the culture that they lose their relevance. o Some churches think of themselves as “above” the culture - they so super-spiritualize life, and withdraw from the culture, that they lose any point of contact with their neighbors. But Grace Covenant is a church “for” the culture. We are committed to participating in and engaging our community and its culture in order to contribute toward the prosperity and spiritual renewal of Greater Williamsburg. (Jeremiah 29.7) EXTENDING THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST TO ALL NATIONS Grace Covenant is "sending" church. From our very beginning we have been committed to raising-up and sending-out those who take the grace of Jesus to the Nations: Missionaries, Pastors & Church Planters, Campus Ministers & Youth Workers, Seminary Presidents & Faculty, etc. We are also committed to partnering with praying for others who serve God around the world. We long for that day when God's Kingdom comes, and His will is done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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About Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA)

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) is a community knit together by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey – whether you are skeptical, just curious, or a heart-felt follower of Jesus Christ – we invite you to reconsider your life and your experience of this world through the lens of the Gospel. If you come to know Grace Covenant you will find a surprising and exciting array of professionals, students, singles, families, and retirees. We come from different places, and from a variety of church – and non-church – backgrounds. Yet we gather to celebrate the Gospel, which is the announcement – the good news – that in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, God has made good on his ancient promise to begin a renewal of the entire world, restoring peace to his creation – and to the lives of His people. We would be delighted to have you find your place with us. Core Values: Enjoying the Glory of God Embracing the Authority of Scripture Experiencing the Power of the Gospel Engaging Williamsburg & the Historic Triangle Extending the Kingdom of Christ to the Nations
Denomination / Affiliation: Presbyterian Church in America
Service and Sermon Style: Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 11-24
Primary Language: English


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Vacation Bible School
Mercy Ministry Campus Ministry Counseling


At Grace Covenant we are committed to living out the implications of God’s radical grace in every area of our lives, and we believe that all of life — at home, at work, at play — is to be lived to the glory of God. Here is a simple snapshot of some of the more important truths of our faith. Each point reflects an important aspect of our beliefs and our identity, and together they play a vital part in shaping us as a people: Humanity's Condition - All humanity has fallen short of God's glory; is broken and in a state of sin; and deserves the wrath of God. Because of our sin nature, we cannot seek out or please God on our own (Romans 3:23), and we deserve eternal punishment. (Romans 1:18) Jesus' Solution - Not only was Jesus Christ a real person in history, he is the sinless Son of God. First century political and religious leaders put him to death because of his "radical" claims to be God in the flesh, the Divine King promised in Scripture (Messiah), and his message of salvation through faith exclusively in him alone. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) Jesus died for God's children because he loves us - and because we need a perfect Savior to turn away from us God's justified anger. (John 6:37-39) Jesus' death was not permanent; on the third day he physically rose from the grave and appeared to numerous eyewitnesses. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, when we confess our unworthiness and put our faith in him, we are saved from final judgment and granted eternal life. (John 6:40) Our Response - The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Divine Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Three-in-One and One-in-Three); he draws us to Christ; gives us saving faith to believe the good news; and strengthens us to live holy (albeit imperfect) lives of obedience to Jesus. (Romans 8:5-11) Being a follower of Christ requires personal and often costly sacrifices. (Luke 14:25-35) Promise of the Gospel - He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. (Philippians 1:6) In other words, the One who has captured your heart will never leave you or forsake you. Through the gospel of Jesus Christ, God has promised his love for you - and he will keep that promise. He will never let you go. And by the power of that gospel, he will make you all that he has created you to be. (Romans 1:16) How do I know He has embraced me? I have embraced Him. (1 Corinthians 1:8-9) We never get beyond the gospel in our Christian life to something more “advanced.” The gospel is not just the first step in a stairway of truths, rather, it is more like the “hub” in a “wheel” of truth. The gospel is not just the A-B-C’s of Christianity, but it is the A to Z of Christianity. The gospel is not just the minimum required doctrine necessary to enter the kingdom, but the way we make all progress in the kingdom. Believing the promise of the gospel means we live our lives, day-to-day, moment-by-moment, in light of all of the gospel's truths, demands, and implications. (Colossians 2:6: 2 Peter 3:18) Church Universal - The Church, the Body of Christ, is a collection of saved sinners across space and time. We are committed to loving and caring for one another. Most importantly, we cultivate relationships to help each other grow in grace and love for our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:9-21) Prayer is a powerful gift from God through which we receive grace and forgiveness. (Philippians 4:6) The Church is commanded to reach out to the world with an indiscriminate call to faith in Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:16) We are responsible to influence the world, both near and far, for the gospel. (Matthew 28:19) Jesus will come again; and when he does, he will renew the cosmos and clothe his people in bodies fit to live on a renewed earth forever. Those without faith in Jesus will receive unending punishment. (Matthew 25:31-46) Biblical, Confessional, Presbyterian Grace Covenant is a biblical, confessional, and Presbyterian church. Biblical means we are a church that believes the Bible is God's Word written (2 Timothy 3:16-17); therefore it is without error in all that it affirms, and is the supreme authority in the Church. Through scripture alone we discover who God is, who we are, and the way of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. Confessional means we are a church that subscribes to both the ancient Christian creeds (such as the Apostles' Creed and the the Nicene Creed); and to historic, protestant, and Reformed theology as expressed in The Westminster Confession of Faith, and Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. As a confessional church we believe it is important to say what we believe and to write it down for others to read and confirm by scripture. (2 Timothy 1:13; Titus 1:9) Therefore our confession and catechisms are subordinate to the Bible, while striving to faithfully summarize biblical teachings. Presbyterian means we are a church governed by a team of elders (also referred to as overseers or shepherds in the Bible) called by God and elected by members of the church. As a Presbyterian church we believe Jesus, the chief shepherd, has given undershepherds to care for God’s people as they journey through their life of faith this side of heaven. (Ephesians 4:11-14; 1 Peter 5:1-4) The Presbyterian form of church government emphasizes the cooperative character of the Church as reflected in the New Testament. (Acts 15:2-6) Therefore, while the elders of Grace Covenant are primarily responsible for overseeing the ministry of our own congregation, they also share in the work of overseeing the ministry of sister churches through a regional presbytery and in the entire denomination through a General Assembly.
Baptism: Both
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) is a Presbyterian Church located in Zip Code 23185.

Church Profile Manager: W. Dennis Griffith