Meet The Pastor
Pastor / Elder John Wallace
John Wallace has lived in the Washington DC Area most of his life. He is married to Gayla, has two grown children and four grandchildren. He accepted the Lord with his father’s leading at the age of fourteen and was called to full time ministry at the age of sixteen. In college, he served as youth leader at the state level in his church denomination and was part of the state-wide leadership development team that taught teenagers to put their faith in action. He graduated from George Mason University and has completed Master’s level course work at Regent University.
After two very successful business ventures, the Lord made a way for both John and Gayla to begin a Christian school in the Quantico, Virginia Area. This ministry has continued for the past thirty years with John administrating and teaching upper level classes at the school with Gayla teaching in the classroom.
Twenty years ago, John began to lead domestic and international mission teams comprised of youth and adults. After providing leadership of over fifty teams, John considers these ministry trips to be transformational experiences in developing his heart to reach the lost, disciple and train others, and impact the world for the cause of Christ.
John has had key roles in beginning two new international Christian schools in other countries, training teachers in three countries, ministering before huge congregations in Central America, developing “Eyeglass Ministry” for mission teams, as well as serving on three Boards of Directors of ministries and foundations.
It is with great joy, that he serves Calvary Fellowship as the Spirit guide and directs each step.