Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1225 Holland Lake Dr
Weatherford, TX 76088
United States
Weatherford, TX 76088
United States
Service Times
10:45 AM Sunday Morning
(602) 432-2435
Pastor Pastor Dane Johannsson
Our Mission
We are Christian, Evangelical and Reformed
We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life, the infallible Word of God being the standard for all of life and practice, the perspicuity of Scripture, the literal six day creation, the covenant renewal nature of worship, and the centrality of worship on the Lord’s day as the foundation of the week.
Therefore, by the grace of God, our desire is to make Weatherford a Christian town through faithful and robust covenant renewal worship and fellowship on the Lord’s day, the stout congregational singing of psalms and hymns, through proclamation of the gospel to unbelievers, while training evangelists who will continue proclaiming the gospel, through teaching men and women how to live together in harmonious Christian marriage, through establishing a family-friendly culture of Christian education in which well-loved and well-disciplined children will learn to stay the course, and are enculturated in belief in Christ and faithfully fed as full covenant members baptized at the earliest age and invited to fellowship at the table, having full assurances of the promises of Christ, and in gracious cooperation with credo baptists, and through outreach that brings people to church, accommodating them where they are while seeking to bring them into maturity in a structured way, through genuine cultural engagement that provides Christian leadership and participation in the arts, in business, in education, in politics, in literature, both online and offline, proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all mediums, and further by the protection of flock, the defense of the weak and helpless, and provision for the needy, and as God blesses us with growth, through a regular series of church plants in North Texas as we have gifted, trained, and ordained men, willing congregants, adequate resources, and available facilities.
We seek to do all this in gladness and simplicity of heart, as we pursue our God and love our neighbor.
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About Church of the Triumphant King
We are a Christian church: Together with Christians throughout the ages we confess, worship, adore, and obey the Triune God revealed in Holy Scripture – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and we therefore joyfully affirm the historic creeds of the Christian Church – the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Definition of Chalcedon, and the Athanasian Creed.
We are an Evangelical church: The word “evangelical” comes from a Greek word meaning “good news”. As an Evangelical church we are committed to the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ, his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, present reign at the Father’s right hand, and his return in glory to judge the living and the dead. We are committed to the authority of God’s infallible Word, given to us in the Bible, and confess that it is the only sufficient and unerring standard for all of life.
We are a Reformed church: We stand in the stream of the protestant reformation, receiving from our protestant fathers in the faith the doctrinal and practical heritage they proclaimed from the Scriptures. We gladly adopt as summaries of the faith taught in Scripture the following protestant confessions and catechisms: The Westminster Confession of Faith, The Belgic Confession of Faith, The Canons of Dort, The Heidelberg Catechism, and the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion.
We are a family integrated church and both welcome and encourage children to participate in every part of the worship service with their parents.
Our congregation enjoys fellowship meals together every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. If you are visiting with us on one of those Sundays we invite you to grab a plate and feast with us! In addition, we make a habit of sharing life together through monthly Psalm-sings, prayer meetings, and men and women’s book studies.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Our Worship follows a deeply historical and gospel saturated five-fold pattern of Covenant Renewal:
God Calls: Our service begins when God calls his people into his presence by his Word through his minister.
God Cleanses: We confess our sins to God and receive his forgiveness through his Son, Jesus Christ.
God Consecrates: God shapes our heads, hearts, and hands through the ministry of his Word.
God Communes: God invites us to his table to feast with him as his blood-bought sons.
God Commissions: Our service concludes as God sends us out into the world with his name and blessing on us.
We are a Christian church: Together with Christians throughout the ages we confess, worship, adore, and obey the Triune God revealed in Holy Scripture – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and we therefore joyfully affirm the historic creeds of the Christian Church – the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Definition of Chalcedon, and the Athanasian Creed.
We are an Evangelical church: The word “evangelical” comes from a Greek word meaning “good news”. As an Evangelical church we are committed to the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ, his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, present reign at the Father’s right hand, and his return in glory to judge the living and the dead. We are committed to the authority of God’s infallible Word, given to us in the Bible, and confess that it is the only sufficient and unerring standard for all of life.
We are a Reformed church: We stand in the stream of the protestant reformation, receiving from our protestant fathers in the faith the doctrinal and practical heritage they proclaimed from the Scriptures. We gladly adopt as summaries of the faith taught in Scripture the following protestant confessions and catechisms: The Westminster Confession of Faith, The Belgic Confession of Faith, The Canons of Dort, The Heidelberg Catechism, and the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion.
Our Worship follows a deeply historical and gospel saturated five-fold pattern of Covenant Renewal:
God Calls: Our service begins when God calls his people into his presence by his Word through his minister.
God Cleanses: We confess our sins to God and receive his forgiveness through his Son, Jesus Christ.
God Consecrates: God shapes our heads, hearts, and hands through the ministry of his Word.
God Communes: God invites us to his table to feast with him as his blood-bought sons.
God Commissions: Our service concludes as God sends us out into the world with his name and blessing on us.
We are a family integrated church and both welcome and encourage children to participate in every part of the worship service with their parents.
Our congregation enjoys fellowship meals together every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. If you are visiting with us on one of those Sundays we invite you to grab a plate and feast with us! In addition, we make a habit of sharing life together through monthly Psalm-sings, prayer meetings, and men and women’s book studies.
Primary Bible Version Used:
New King James
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice:
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
Church of the Triumphant King is a Reformed Church located in Zip Code 76088.
Church Profile Manager: Wesley Hurd