Meet The Pastor

Rev. Seth Opoku
Rev. Seth Opoku is an ordained Baptist Minister and has been in the pastoral ministry for over fifteen year. He has served as a Pastor in several churches including ST. James Baptist Church-Bantama, Kumasi-Ghana and United Faith Baptist Church, Worcester, Ma. He is currently the Vice-chairman of North American Baptist Association (NABA). God has endowed him with a gift of teaching and he makes the Bible simple to understand and meaningful to real life situation. Pastoral Care, Church planting, Effective fervent Prayer and Leadership training are his priorities. He believes in teamwork and pursues a holistic ministry; spiritual, physical, mental (education) and social development. He is married to Doris and God has blessed them with four children- Emma, Theo, Keziah & Jessica.
He had his Diploma in Theology At university of Ghana, Legon-Accra. He continued with Diploma in Biblical Studies and Bachelor in Theology with Administration respectively at Christian Service University College (2002-2006). He graduated from Clark University, Worcester, Ma, in May, 2011, earning his Masters in Environmental Science and Policy. As a Theologian and Environmentalist, he is aspiring to encourage others with faith in God as a Creator, in managing God's assets, such as the waters, land, etc, to ensure environmental sustainability.
He is looking for partners to come and support him for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Come and support him in reaching out the lost for Jesus, and empowerment of God's Children for the advancement of the kingdom of God. He believes in three phases of salvation: justification, sanctification and glorification, and want to help people to work out their salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).