101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
5501 North Midkiff Road
Midland, TX 79705
United States
Service Times
8:30 am Traditional Worship 9:45 am Sunday School Classes for all ages 10:45 am Family Worship & Children’s Church
(432) 683-9292
Rector Henry Pendergrass

Our Mission

You are loved.
There are lots of ways to live. You may want to live life with purpose and meaning. Or have a great marriage. Or be good parents. Maybe you want to make money and have fun. No matter what you pursue, there is one key to realizing the deepest dreams of your heart: coming to know the love of God, through His Son Jesus Christ, and sharing Christ’s love with others. From this place of honesty about God, Jesus and yourself, comes real power for living, making it possible to live a life that really matters. Jesus calls us to a way of life and love that creates meaningful relationships, makes marriages that last, enables parenting to be loving and effective, and enables us to be secure about who you are, what’s coming next and where you are going. At Christ Church, we want to learn all we can about the life Jesus has for us, to live it out together, and to share His life of love and truth with those who don’t know about it. So, we are a community of disciples of Jesus Christ, saved and commissioned by our Lord, to win souls and make disciples. That’s our mission.

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About Christ Church Anglican

God’s love will change your life, transform your family, and create great relationships.  That’s what Christ Church Anglican is all about:  enjoying the love of Jesus— through family fellowship, powerful teaching, and traditional worship— and sharing the love of Christ with others.  Join us!
Denomination / Affiliation: Anglican
Service and Sermon Style: Liturgical
Community Projects: 11-24
Primary Language: English
Other Language Services: English


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Mother’s Day Out
Weddings and Receptions
Young Adult Fellowship (ages 18 – 30) Older Adults Capstone CBS (Young Adult Bible Study) Prayer Ministry Pastoral Care Christ Church ministries and members also serve by working through various local ministries, missions, and agencies. Our Missions Committee affirms Anglican missionaries’ work and projects, provides prayer and financial support, promotes mission, and coordinates mission projects. Our missionaries serve in/at --- American Indian Missions Inc. in the Southwestern U.S.; Alicante, Spain; El Paso, Texas; Belize;Sudan; Ft. Lewis, Washington; and Zuni, New Mexico.


We make Jesus known through Biblical teaching, powerful worship, ministry for all ages, evangelistic outreach and missionary support. We are big enough to provide excellent programs, yet small enough that you can know your priest and be known by him. We are big enough to have the resources to serve and small enough to care for each person who walks through our doors. We believe in the Bible: The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and are the foundation for what we believe and what we do. We are Anglican Christians: We are part of the Anglican Communion–a worldwide fellowship of churches that trace their history back to the Reformation in England. Rooted in the evangelical tradition, we teach faithful adherence to Holy Scripture, the need for repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. We are an active parish with learning activities and ministry opportunities for all ages. Our commitments include generous support of mission activities around the world. We are a worshiping people: Since the time of Christ, his followers have marked each Sunday as a celebration of the Resurrection. In this celebration, called the Eucharist (literally, thanksgiving), the Scriptures were read, a sermon was offered, and a service of Holy Communion followed. At Christ Church, we seek to maintain this ancient practice, believing that participation in both Word and Sacrament builds healthy believers. We are a community of believers: We don’t just get together on Sunday mornings, but we meet on Wednesday evenings to worship, share a meal and to learn. We get together in small groups during other times of the week, to build each other up in Christ and share our faith with our neighbors. We raise up our Children and Youth in the Lord: We help kids to know and understand that Jesus loves them and we give them the tools they need to follow Him the rest of their lives. We also help our kids worship God by providing Children’s Church for our younger kids, and by inviting our Youth to serve as Acolytes on Sunday morning. We are witnesses to the Love and Power of Jesus Christ: Since Jesus Christ has done so much for us, we share His saving love and power with those in our neighborhood. We do this through proclaiming Him in both word and deed.
Primary Bible Version Used: English Standard Version
Baptism: Both
Communion Frequency: Weekly
Regularly Practice: Praying the Lord’s Prayer
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Christ Church Anglican is a Episcopal Church located in Zip Code 79705.

Church Profile Manager: Deb Wilson