Meet The Pastor

Senior Pastor Jeff Nyberg, Ph.D.
Our pastor is highly educated but is one of the most down to earth men you will ever meet. He has a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Counseling Psychology from Bryan College in Dayton Tennessee. He has a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Texas at Arlington.
Pastor Jeff loves to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and his precious wife, Angela and their two children. He is a dynamic speaker that God is using to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Over 30 years ago Christ called Pastor Jeff into the ministry. This calling included a passion and a vision to proclaim the gospel to everyone in the world and to start Christ-centered, positive, Bible-based and reproducing churches. Pastor Jeff started a non-profit ministry to help him fulfill this call of God on his life. It is called Stepping Stones Church Planting Ministry. To date 29 churches have been birthed as a result of this call.
Most recently, Stepping Stones Church has been started to raise up “special forces” Christians who see themselves as ministers and missionaries called of God to carry out this God given vision. Pastor Jeff thoroughly enjoys equipping these beautiful saints for the work of the ministry to which Christ has called them all. More specifically, pastors are being raised up at Stepping Stones Church to be sent out to evangelize and plant churches in new areas as the Lord leads. Why not prayerfully consider joining with Pastor Jeff and Angela and the entire congregation at Stepping Stones Church in fulfilling all that Christ has for your life and the carrying out of His vision?