Meet The Pastor

Pastor Timothy Lovelace
Timothy Lovelace, Senior Pastor, founded Faith Tabernacle, A Spirit Filled Church, in 1999. His commitment to the Lord came at an early age as he recognized the ministerial call upon his life. Following his marriage to Starla in 1977, he attended bible college for two years. In 1987 he began serving as Youth Pastor of Spring Tabernacle in Spring, Texas under Pastor C.G. "Jabo" Green. In 1990, he formed C.A.S.T. Ministries (Christians Against Satan's Tactics) where he, along with the singing group, ministered wherever there was an open door--street ministry, prison ministry, etc. They ministered at Garza West prison facility in Beeville, Texas for many years. Since 1999 the church has obtained 12 acres and has built a 10,200 sq.ft. building which houses the sanctuary, educational facilities and fellowship hall.