100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
921 Cypress Creek Parkway
Houston, TX 77090
United States
Service Times
Service Times: Sunday Intercession 9:30am Celebration Service 10:30am Wednesday 7:00pm
(832) 903-7107
Pastor Rod Larkins

Our Mission

On Earth as it is in Heaven
Our mission here at the Well is revival – the personal, regional and global expansion of God's Kingdom through His manifest presence.

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About Well Church

The Well Church is a church with dynamic Praise and Prophetic Worship, anointed preaching and teaching of the Word and powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit. Our vision is to become a church where people can come and encounter the POWER and PRESENCE of GOD. We are a Church for the whole family. We believe that the greatest days in church history are ahead and we know that GOD is preparing the hearts of HIS people and the city of Houston for a full-blown Revival. So if you are new to the city of Houston or if you are just looking to get plugged in to an ‘On-fire’ church, then we would like to invite you to come out and visit one of our services and encounter the Glory of GOD. Lives are being saved, healed, delivered and set ablaze for Jesus
Denomination / Affiliation: Non-Denominational
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: 20-30
Community Projects: 11-24


Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions


We are on a God-given mission, bigger than anything we can comprehend, more important then anything we've ever done, delivered by none other than Jesus Himself. They are the bedrock of all we do, immovable, cannot be compromised, detoured around or lured away. This is who we are; it is who you will become as you live your Christian life out with The Well Church. At the foundation of The Well Church are the following values. 1. WE ARE A PEOPLE OF LOVE AND COMPASSION We know our greatest purpose is to encounter the love and presence of God. 2. HIS MANIFEST PRESENCE IS OUR GREATEST TREASURE We are a people that desire the tangible manifest Presence of GOD not only in the Church atmosphere but in our daily lives. We believe that GOD has created us to be carriers of HIS presence and Glory. 3. WE ARE PEOPLE OF PRAYER We are a Church family that seeks God’s will in all we say and do, knowing our prayers are powerful, effective, and world-changing. 4. WE BELIEVE PRAISE AND WORSHIP IS A CELEBRATION We are people with a passion for praising and worshipping God 5. WE ARE A PEOPLE OF FAITH We know nothing is impossible as we believe God and do His will. We value a life lived by faith, not by sight or natural means. 6. WE ARE A PEOPLE WHO LOVE THE HOLY SPIRIT We are a Spirit-led and Spirit-driven Ministry and we delight in His moving in our midst with miracles, signs, and wonders. 7. WE ARE A GENEROUS AND GIVING PEOPLE We believe God is good and wants to bless us that we may help others. 8. WE ARE A PEOPLE OF HONOR We believe every person is valuable and deserves honor, and we are committed to helping others find their unique and divine purpose. 9. WE ARE MADE FOR CITY TRANSFORMATION We are a people that believe Church exists outside the walls of a building. 10. WE ARE A PEOPLE THAT OWE THE WORLD We are people who owe the world a demonstration of GOD’S power. That means our heartbeat is to see GOD manifest in the marketplace, in the neighborhoods and in every facet of society. 10. WE ARE A REVIVAL CULTURE We are called to establish a movement to help transform the world in a Kingdom of God culture. 11. WE ARE A BIBLE-BELIEVING PEOPLE We are people whose lives are built upon and subject to the Word of God knowing it is unlimited in power, infinite in scope, and full of treasure, wisdom, and life. 12. WE ARE A FAMILY We value a church family that is friendly, loving and welcoming to all who come through our doors. We live by the principle that we are not to judge, but simply LOVE.
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Regularly Practice
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed


Well Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 77090.

Church Profile Manager: Pastor Rod Larkins