Meet The Pastor

Pastor Joshua and Catherine Rudolph
Pastor Joshua Rudolph moved from Idaho at 18 to attend Bible College at Abundant Life Christian Center in La Marque, TX. After that he continued his education at Oral Roberts University. His wife Catherine grew up a pastor's daughter and has a bachelor's degree from the University of Houston and a master's from Regent's University. They have both been in full time ministry for more than 18 years in youth, children's, young adults, everything in between. In 2020 God called them to begin the process of planting a church on the Island of Galveston. They have a heart for the local community that is evident in all that they do. They have 3 children, Merci (6) Mac and Mav (4) You will love coming and hearing them teach the Bible in a way that is easy to understand and apply to your everyday life.