100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
5302 Ave R
Galveston, TX 77551
United States
Service Times
10am Sunday Morning During the week there are life groups check out our website for more details
(409) 539-5621
Lead Pastor Robert Lee

Our Mission

OUR VISION To influence all generations to be fully devoted followers of CHRIST! OUR MISSION We call our MISSION the "3G". Where we GROW in Christ, GO for Christ & GUIDE for Christ.

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About Antioch Galveston

Denomination / Affiliation: Other Christian
Primary Language: English


Jesus Christ is the Savior (Romans 10:9) Jesus Christ is the Baptizer (Luke 3:16) Jesus Christ is the Healer (Peter 2:24) Jesus Christ is the Coming King (Acts 1:11) As a Bible-believing church, we stand on these foundational truths: ● REPENTANCE & FORGIVENESS All men need forgiveness for sin. The Bible tells us that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Jesus told us to "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). We believe that all men enter the kingdom of God only through a born-again experience, accepting Jesus Christ as Savior (John 3:3-5, Romans 10:9-11). ● WATER BAPTISM After declaring Him Lord of your life, Jesus commands that we follow Him in water baptism: a public declaration of our commitment to a new way of life, a farewell to an old way of thinking, and a signpost of a life-changing decision (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 6:3-8). ● BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT When Jesus left, He promised to send us another Comforter Who would live in us, lead us, guide us into truth, and empower us for service (Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:5,8, Luke 11:9-13). ● HEALING & DELIVERANCE We believe in divine healing as the power of Jesus to heal the sick and the afflicted in answer to believing prayer (Matthew 8:16-17, James 5:16, Acts 3:16). WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? Good news! You can be saved from your sin and its ultimate penalty! The word "gospel" simply means "good news," and that's exactly what it is. If you understand and believe it, the gospel is the best news that you will ever hear! It is this good news that gives you the ability to find, to know, and to love God, not to mention escaping your bondage to sin, and the ultimate penalty of that sin: eternal death and separation from God. We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins (Ephesians 2:8-10; John 1:12; Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19). Remember, it's NOT about RELIGION it's about a RELATIONSHIP!


Antioch Galveston is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 77551.

Church Profile Manager: Robert Lee