100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Mass 12:00 am
Misa 10:00 am
1st Comm & Conf Catechism 11:00 am Sunday / Domingos
Catecismo para 1ª Comm y Conf
Baptism Class 10:00 am - 11:00 am 1st & 3rd Saturday
Baptism Ceremony 11:00 am - 12:00 am
Pláticas para Bautismos 10:00 am - 11:00 am 2º y 4º sábado
Ceremonia de Bautismos 11:00 am - 12:00 am
(915) 778-4860
Bishop and Senior Pastor Bp. Robert Ortega, DD
Our Mission
Shepherd the Alienated & un-churched into an intimate and Spirit-filled union with our Lord Jesus Christ unto ever-lasting joy liberated by the Word in reverence to the rituals and Traditions of the Church.
Rev. Fr. David
This church is filled with love and the Spirit of our living God.
About Holy Spirit of Hope Independent Catholic Church
Holy Spirit of Hope is a Bible-based Christian church using Catholic rituals in fellowship with all Christian churches.Founded in 2002, Holy Spirit of Hope served the Catholic Charismatic Church. Since 2011, we serve as part of the Independent Old Catholic Church.Enjoy worship of Jesus the Savior with us. No one is turned away! But IF you are spiritually fed and loved where you are – please stay.+We’re also here for you who have been denied sacraments by your home church or if you just want to experience Catholic Christianity.+As a community of faith in Jesus, Holy Spirit of Hope will assist your understanding of this God who loves you like no other.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Catholic Mass
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Other Language Services:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Mother’s Day Out
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Confession (Catholic)
MARRIAGE - preparation under TwoGether for Texas program prepares a couple for a successful marriage. Pew Research study reveals the following facts:+50 out of 100 marriages end in divorce.+7 out of 100 marriages end in divorce for couples praying together.+1 out of 100 marriages end in divorce for couples praying and attending church together.What type of marriage do you want??This is also an excellent refresher for couples needing to reenergize their marriage.
CLERGY - preparation is through the Independent Old Catholic Church Agape Seminary. Bishop Robert will counsel those desiring entrance into the ministry and recommend coursework.Deacons can be ordained after 6 months training and experience. Priests can be ordained 6 months after deaconate and further training and experience.
SUNDAY SCHOOL - We prepare people of all ages for sacraments. Please register before attendance.
Christian LIBRARY & WIRELESS Computer Ministry - We offer FREE access on our campus. Enjoy a comfortable setting in our large fellowship room. Bring your lattes and enjoy! We also offer a large variety of Christian Books for your spiritual growth.
DAY CARE & Learning Center Ministry - Our Day Care & Learning Center provides loving Christian care for children from 2 months to 13 years, while nurturing their desire to learn.God has sent us many angels and we have room for more as our capacity was increased to 58 by the local licensing authority. Our Day Care opens Monday - Friday from 6:30AM - 6:00PM. Transportation to or from school is available within 1 mile of our school. Let us encourage your child’s quest for knowledge with loving education!
Bible Study Ministry- Topics of interest to you! ¡Temas que le interesen! Everyone is welcome. Todos bienvenidos.
MARRIAGE - Holy Spirit of Hope takes its Biblical commission to make disciples (believers in Jesus) very seriously! The most important event in a person’s life is the entry into a life-long commitment with another with God’s blessings, called Marriage. There is no better time to start your personal relationship with God. We celebrate your marriage through a Catholic Mass or a Non-Catholic Christian Service. If one is without Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation, they will be conveyed at the Marriage ceremony. The date for your wedding is according to your schedule!
REMARRIAGE are performed at Holy Spirit of Hope because the Bible says: “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) yet God forgave all our sins when we believe in the cross of Christ, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that none would perish but all who believe in Him would have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Those in a civil union are encouraged to enter into a God-blessed marriage. Many couples go through life wishing they were able to have a ‘church’ wedding but their church will not marry them. We will do that for you. We want to help you fulfill that dream of having a ‘church’ wedding.
QUINCEAÑERAS & SWEET 16’s - Holy Spirit of Hope is serious about its Biblical Commission to make disciples (believers in Jesus)!
Tomamos nuestra comisión bíblica de hacer discípulos (creyentes en Cristo) en una manera muy seria.
The Hispanic culture celebrates a Quinceañera at the age of 15 to introduce young adults to the world in a festive manner.
La cultura hispana celebra la Quinceañera en la edad de 15 años para introducir a los jóvenes y jovencitas al mundo en una manera festiva.
Celebrations of Sweet 16’s are just as special. La celebración de Sweet 16’s es tan especial.
There is no better time to start a personal relationship with God to help navigate peacefully through the difficulties of life. This invitation is especially for families that have no church home!
No hay mejor tiempo de empezar una relación personal con Dios para ayudar navegar las dificultades del mundo en paz. Esta invitación es especialmente para las familias sin casa espiritual.
In order to make this experience one that you will remember for the rest of your life, we offer you the following:
Para que esta experiencia sea una que se acuerde toda su día, le ofrecemos lo siguiente:
1. We help you understand and enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through 10 Christian Biblical Teachings prior to the ceremony. We offer these weekly class sessions four times per year. A retreat follows the classes.
Le ayudamos comprender y entrar en una relación personal con Jesucristo por 10 Enseñanzas Bíblicas Cristianas antes de la ceremonia. Ofrecemos estas sesiones de clases semanales cuatro veces por año. Un retiro sigue las clases.
2. Our Mass celebration includes the sacrament of Confirmation for the Quinceañera or Sweet 16.
Nuestra celebración de Misa incluye el sacramento de Confirmación para la Quinceañera o Sweet 16.
3. If the young adult is without Baptism or First Communion, they will be provided at the same Mass.
Si el joven o jovencita no está Bautizado o si no ha recibido su Primera Comunión, se las proveeremos en su Misa.
4. Your Quinceañera or Sweet 16 can be celebrated as a Catholic Mass or a Christian Service.
Su Misa se celebra como Misa Católica o Servicio Cristiano.
Your Quinceañera or Sweet 16 service is for one family only and on the date you select!
¡Su servicio de Quinceañera o Sweet 16 es solamente para una familia y en la fecha que escoja!
We perform ceremonies in English or Spanish Se ofrecen servicios en Ingles o Español
THE BIBLE is the inspired and inerrant word of God available in many translations and used to teach and equip. (2 Tim 3:16-17)
FAITH is the only way to understand and receive our salvation. (Eph 2:8-9)
THE TRINITY is the description of 1 God in 3 Persons, God the Father who is attributed with creation, God the Son who is our redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit who is the life of the Church. (Mt 28:19)
THE CREEDS are Statements of fundamental Christian beliefs developed by the first seven Councils of the Church known as the Apostle's, Nicene, and Athenasian Creeds. These explain our faith in plain, simple, and uncomplicated manners; Bible summary.
THE COMMANDMENTS are basic guides for living sound moral lives in our relationships with God and neighbors in the form of Ten Commandments, and are fulfilled by Jesus’ command of love. (Mt 22:37-40)
THE CHURCH is the body of believers in Jesus Christ, Christ being the head. The Catholic Charismatic church is a branch of the one, holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic Church. (Eph 2:19-22; 5:23-24)
SIN is any unloving act against God’s creation that separates us from God. Confessing our sin brings God’s forgiveness by our faith in Christ’s death on the cross accomplished 2,000 years ago. (1 Jn 1:9)
SATAN is the accuser of mankind who lies, cheats, kills, steals, and destroys through confusion of the truth. He is a defeated being who has as much power over our will as we allow him to have. God’s infinite love for us allows us free will choice between His love and Satan's lies. (Jn 8:32)
SALVATION is the redemption from eternal punishment, to an eternal life of glory with God, not by works, but by faith in the grace of God trough the atoning death of Jesus Christ. (Eph 2:8-9)
Outward signs of an invisible grace and NOT replacing faith as a prerequisite to salvation.
1. BAPTISM is the event that starts spiritual life through membership in the Church. Infant Baptism allows parents/God-parents to accept responsibility for child until Confirmation through their acceptance of Jesus in their life. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16, Lk 5:17-26)
2. COMMUNION, also EUCHARIST, is the remembrance of Jesus’ Last Supper. Our faith converts bread to the Body and wine to the Blood of our Savior. We consume as He directed. (Mt 26:26-28; Mk 14:22-25; Lk 22:19-20; Jn 6 all; 1 Cor 10:16; and 11:27)
3. RECONCILIATION, also CONFESSION, is an event through which one admits sins and hears God’s forgiveness and Biblical counsel for improvement. General reconciliation is part of the Mass, but special counseling is available from the pastor upon request. (2 Cor 5:16-20; Jms 5:16; 1 Jn 1:9)
4. CONFIRMATION is an event through which one confirms the affirmations made by parents and sponsors during infant Baptism. It is also the “altar call” experience in which, by the Holy Spirit, we learn how to enter into an intimate relationship with Jesus by the use of the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Quinceañeras are conducted as Confirmation rites. (Jn 3 & 14:25-26)
5. MATRIMONY, also MARRIAGE, the event through which a couple receive understanding of how to live together forever as husband and wife in the same intimacy as Christ and the Church. Remarriage is administered without judgment. (Gen 2:24; Mt 19:6 cf; Mk 10:11-12)
6. ANOINTING OF THE SICK. It is through this sacrament that one can be healed physically, but most certainly spiritually (by faith) through a deeper focus on the love of our Lord. (Mt 10:8; Mk 16:17-18; Jms 5:14-15)
7. HOLY ORDERS, also ORDINATION, is the sacrament through which deacons, priests and bishops are installed for service of the faithful. Apostolic Succession, which traces the lines of consecration of a bishop back to the Apostles, is maintained in this Church. As in the Roman Catholic Church, the priest serves the bishop by helping the local community enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our clergy can be and often are married. (1 Tim 3:1-13; Tit 1:6-9; Acts 6:6; Eph 4:11-13)
Primary Bible Version Used:
New International Version
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice:
Congregational Readings
Holy Spirit of Hope Independent Catholic Church is a Catholic Church located in Zip Code 79915.
Church Profile Manager: Rev. Fr. David Brown