Church Profile
Service Times
Our Sunday worship experiences are at 9:15AM and 11:15AM. We provide a full kids experience for 6wks-6th grade on Sunday. Our students grade 7-12 are on Wednesday nights. Our young adults 18+ meet quarterly as well as in small groups. We also have small groups for everyone that meet all over the city through the week.
(979) 774-1269

Lead Pastor Nathan Green
Our Mission
Capture Extraordinary.
The life God has for you is anything but ordinary so live fully and capture extraordinary.
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About Skybreak Church
In 1987, we never imagined all the amazing things God had in store for us in a small town in Texas. We moved to College Station where Skybreak was born. We have been serving families in Bryan/College Station and surrounding areas for over 33 years, and the impact is being radiated beyond. When you show up, you’ll see that it’s grown from a humble beginning of a few families to serving over thousands on the weekends. We love our heritage here so much that you’ll even find the original chapel that started it all still on the church grounds.
We truly believe - “The life that God has for you is anything but ordinary so live fully and capture extraordinary.”
Denomination / Affiliation:
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, divinely inspired; that it contains no errors in the original manuscripts and is preserved by God for us; it is authoritative for this church and each of us for every age.
We believe in one living and true God, eternal and of infinite power, wisdom, goodness and righteousness. He is a loving and faithful God who is the Creator and preserver of all things.
Jesus Christ
We believe in the divine nature of Jesus Christ, God’s only son, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin named Mary. Christ is both fully man and fully God. His purpose is to restore our relationship to God, which was broken by sin (disobedience). Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven in full victory over Satan and sin.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit as the person and expression of God who lives within us, giving us the power to live a holy life and guiding us to truth. His presence is what makes Skybreak Church unique. His absence is what makes church and religion boring and lifeless. When Jesus said I must leave, but I won’t leave you alone, it is the Holy Spirit that He sent to us.
Because people are unable to save themselves from their sinful condition, salvation is altogether the work of God. Neither good works nor self-improvement can make up for our sin. Salvation is the free gift of God. However, like any gift it must be received. This gift is received by faith, which is believing and trusting in Jesus Christ who died as our substitute that we might live.
Acts 22:15-16 says, “You will be his witness to all of men of what you have seen and heard. And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His Name.” Your baptism will represent an outward acknowledgment and public celebration of your inward decision to accept Christ as your Savior.
Gifts of the Spirit
We understand the Bible to be very specific and clear as it pertains to the Gifts of the Spirit and their manifestations in the present day church. We believe they are both available and operable not only in our church gatherings, but that they should be evident in our everyday lives. We believe that the Holy Spirit has given spiritual gifts to all believers for the purpose of building up the body of Christ and bringing glory to God. The gifts are to be exercised in love and emphasize the need for unity.
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Skybreak Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 77845.
Church Profile Manager: Nathan Green