Meet The Pastor

Senior Pastor Lauren Dow Wegner
Here is a community filled with people who delight in being together, worshiping together, and growing together, all in the name of the one who brings us together - Jesus Christ. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church makes connections with people from all over the Austin-area region, as well as a growing online community from across the country. People come to ask deep questions, discover new depths of meaning, and experience God’s presence. We call this living in faith.
Are you looking for a place to center your spiritual life? A place to belong? People to grow alongside and make a difference in the world? Friendships that could change your life? We invite you to explore Shepherd of the Hills – where we rely on the greatest gifts ever handed out: faith, hope, and love. It is such a blessing to work alongside a remarkably talented staff. And you will be hard-pressed to find a more generous church community, impacting ministry partnerships locally and globally. Our Butterfly Christian Preschool is one of the most outstanding Early Learning Childhood Centers in the Austin area.
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran believes that all are God’s children, loved and saved by God’s grace. We boldly seek to live out this core value of welcoming all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, race, culture, ethnicity, refugee status, age, physical and mental abilities, socioeconomic position, family status, background, or where you are in your faith journey. We are committed to embracing the work of anti-racism, social and economic justice, and environmental care.
We’re glad you landed here! Check out our website and dive into all that God offers through this unique and vibrant place. Come connect with our community of imperfect people who are saved by the grace and love of Jesus Christ!
We believe your life will be changed because of it. And ours will be, too.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Pr. Lauren