101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
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223 Gifford Place
Joelton, TN 37080
United States
Service Times
Sunday Morning: 10:00am Wednesday Night Small Groups: 6:30pm
(615) 299-0076
Senior Pastor Barry Voorhies

Our Mission

The perfect place for people who aren't.

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About LifeHouse Fellowship Church

LifeHouse Fellowship Church is the perfect place for people who aren't. Our purpose is to translate the good news of Jesus Christ into terms everyone can understand...and then embrace. Dress is casual, worship is awesome. The preaching of God's Word is understandable and applicable. We have lots of children, tweens, and teenagers. We also have ministries for women, men, the hearing impaired, and college and career.
Denomination / Affiliation: Other Christian
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 0-12


Church Ministries
Small Groups


Statement of Faith We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, and as the only basis for our beliefs. This Church accepts "The Baptist Faith and Message," a 1963 affirmation of basic Christian beliefs, as a general statement of our faith. Life House Fellowship Church What We Believe... About God There is only one living and true God. He is the God of Israel who is triune in nature. Our God eternally exists in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All are co-equal in nature, power, and holiness, and each possesses and shares the same attributes. The second person of the trinity, God the Son, became a man and died for all mankind’s sin. About the Father God as Father reigns with providential care over his universe, humanity, and all of human history. This is accomplished according to the purposes of his grace and for his glory. He is all-powerful, all knowing, all loving, and all wise. About Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of the Father, conceived through the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He is the eternal Son of God who took on an additional nature of humanity. He is both God and man in one and lived a sinless human life while on this earth. Jesus rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is now ruling the heavens as mediator for all Christians. His second coming is pre-millennial, and all will see him as he sets up his kingdom on the earth. About the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us permanently when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Life House Fellowship Church does not endorse a “second blessing” or “baptism of the Holy Spirit” as evidenced by any spiritual manifestation of a gift, such as tongues. We do believe in the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we fulfill the “Great Commission” and follow the Lord daily. None of the Scriptural “gifts of the spirit” have ceased, and the Bible gives explicit instructions for their uses. With this, we embrace decent and orderly worship as outlined in the New Testament and as discerned by the Elders in this Body. About the Church By faith, all believers, are baptized into his “body” by the Holy Spirit and become part of the Church. We are indwelled by the Spirit eternally, and we are given spiritual gifts and talents to use to build up the Body and further his kingdom here on earth. The role of the Pastor and Elders is to balance this Body according to 2 Timothy 1:7... “Power, love, and self-control.” In addition, the Elders of the church “lay hands” and pray for God to heal the sick, equip Christians for ministry, and set apart men as new Elders. About the Bible The Holy Bible is of divine revelation and origin. It consists of 66 books and is completely true and trustworthy. It is the believer’s guide and final authority in living a life pleasing to God. The Scriptures alone have given us all we need in order to Page 2 revised: 9/7/13 accomplish a life of godliness and to be conformed to the Son. Because it reveals the principles by which God will judge mankind, the Bible will remain to the end of the world. It is the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tied and is a testimony to Jesus Christ. He alone is the focus of this divine revelation. About Mankind All mankind was created in the image of God to reflect his nature. When Adam sinned by choice, we incurred his sin and became sinners in our nature. All of mankind is spiritually separated from God and physically dies as a consequence of sin. We believe in the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body, for both the saved and the unsaved. For the saved, eternal life with God will follow and for those who reject the message of salvation, eternal punishment. At death, Christ-followers go immediately into the presence of the Lord and await the resurrection of their body at Christ’s return. The unredeemed wait in hell until they are resurrected bodily and brought before the “Great White Throne” judgment. From there, they are cast into the “Lake of Fire”, where they will remain forever. About Baptism Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Jesus Christ. About Salvation Only through acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice can someone be brought back into a relationship with God. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived a sinless life and gave it as the atonement for our sin to the Father. Jesus, by his own will in pleasing the Father, gave himself as a ransom for all mankind. He bore the full penalty and judgment of sin for all men. His atonement was not limited to some, but his death was given for all of mankind. All who repent and exercise faith in Jesus Christ receive salvation as a free gift, apart from any work of the law or deed. Those who call on Jesus Christ in repentance and in faith are declared innocent of sin by the merits of Christ’s death alone. We are renewed by the Holy Spirit, given eternal life, and empowered to do good works, which are expected of those who experience this changed life. About Marriage LifeHouse Fellowship Church defines marriage as a covenant, a sacred bond between a man and a woman instituted by and publicly entered into before God. We believe that term “marriage” has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. Genesis 2:21–25; Ephesians 5:31–33; 1 Timothy 1:8–11; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; Romans 1:24–28.
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Eternal Security: No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Open But Cautious
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


LifeHouse Fellowship Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 37080.

Church Profile Manager: Barry Voorhies