Church Profile
Service Times
We meet for worship as a church in Franklin on Saturdays at 4 PM CST. Classes, studies, and other events happen throughout the week.
(774) 327-3910

Founder and Pastor John Diffenderfer
Our Mission
Our calling is Yeshua; to know Him and love Him evermore.
Our ministry goal is simple: We want you to fall endlessly deeper in love with Yeshua. By the Holy Spirit, we seek to know Him evermore and to love Him with wholeness of heart, mind, and strength.
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About Mercy Collective
Mercy Collective is a Spirit-filled church in Franklin, Tennessee, dedicated to the love and presence of Yeshua (Jesus). Our congregation of Christian and Messianic Jewish believers meets with Yeshua through worship, prayer, teaching, and discipleship on Saturdays, as He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Everything we do is because of Yeshua's love. All are loved by God, and we love Him with wholeness of heart, mind, and strength. We seek to know Him evermore and, in so doing, to fall endlessly deeper in love with Him. The experience of Yeshua’s love is His mercy. Our ministry goal is simple: We want you to fall endlessly deeper in love with Yeshua.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
In all things, we love Christ through... 1. Communion — Fellowship with Him and His Body: We desire His presence and the opportunity to experience Him through His Body. We seek Him at every moment of our lives. We gather collectively to meet with Yeshua on the Sabbath, Biblical holy days, and at other times. 2. Adoration — Worship of Him: Our worship is the intentional expression of our love for Yeshua. It is a love that demands the full engagement of one’s heart, mind, and body. Worship takes many expressive forms. In all true acts of worship, we find ourselves in Him, the Spirit and Truth. 3. Revelation — Communication with Him: We pray to God, spending time in His presence. We speak and sing to Him. We engage in intercession and confession. We seek His vision. We listen to His voice. He speaks directly, and He also speaks through Scripture, signs, and prophetic words spoken through His Body. 4. Trust — Cooperation with Him: We serve God by working on His behalf and for His glory, sharing the Gospel of Yeshua with all who will listen. We conform the actions of our lives into the deeds He desires, as outlined in Scripture and personal revelations of the Holy Spirit. God's instructions are an invitation to experience His love and bring our lives into alignment with His heart. We make disciples of Yeshua by teaching the Bible, sharing testimonies of His affection, and edifying one another in the love of our Lord through the gifts of His Holy Spirit. 5. Sacrifice — Givenness to Him: We freely sacrifice to God by giving Him everything He has given us. We dedicate our lives to Him and embrace His invitation for covenantal partnership with Him. We do so through compliance with His will, including service, tithes, offerings, and the actions of our daily lives. In ministry and service, we bear one another’s burdens, eagerly embracing opportunities to share in His love toward others.
Primary Bible Version Used:
Multiple Versions Used
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice:
Prayers for Healing
Mercy Collective is a Spirit-Filled Church located in Zip Code 37064.
Church Profile Manager: John Diffenderfer