Church Profile
Service Times
9:30am - Sunday School
10:30am - Worship Service
(607) 733-7883
Pastor T. Max Myers
Our Mission
Prayer is the engine that drives this church.
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About Living Word Evangelical Free Church
Living Word is a Christian church that exists to serve the community around us. Our desire is to help people of all ages and backgrounds grow in their knowledge of God and see how the Bible applies to our lives today. We’d love for you to be our guest this Sunday morning. Come check us out!
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Vacation Bible School
We have a variety of community events throughout the year (picnics, Christmas parties, Trunk or Treat, etc.).
1. The Word of God—Bible—is without error in the original writings, literally “God- breathed”.
2. There is one true and living eternal God (Isaiah 46:9), Creator of heaven and earth (Deuteronomy 6:4).
3. Jesus Christ is God Himself (John 10:30), who took upon His deity full humanity, to be the perfect and sinless God man (Philippians 2:4-10).
4. The Holy Spirit’s ministry in the present Church Age is to glorify Jesus Christ (John 16:14); to convict (John 16:8), indwell (1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 5:18), guide, or lead us to all truth (John 16:13); and to empower believers to live godly and holy lives (Galatians 5:16-26).
5. All people are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
6. Salvation is totally a work of God in grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).
7. Water baptism (Acts 2:41) and the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) are ordinances to be observed by the church during the present age. However, they are not to be regarded as a means for salvation.
8. The New Testament Church is the universal, worldwide body of born again (John 3:3-8), Spirit-indwelt believers (1 Corinthians 6:19) in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is their Head (Colossians 1:18).
9. Only those who are regenerated through the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:3-5), through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9), and are thus members of the universal church shall be eligible for membership in the local church (1 Corinthians 12:13).
10. With Jesus Christ as the Lord and True Head (Ephesians 1:22-23) of the local church, the local church then has the right, under Christ, to decide its own affairs (1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 4:12-16).
11. We believe in the personal (Zechariah 14:1-4), bodily and glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:3; Matthew 24:27-31). The coming of Christ, at a time known only to God, demands constant expectancy and, as our blessed hope (Titus 2:13), motivates the believer to godly living, sacrificial service and energetic mission (1 John 3:2-3).
12. The dead will be bodily resurrected: the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment (1 Corinthians 15:35-55; Revelation 20:11-15).
13. God created man (Genesis 1:26-28) and woman after His own image (Genesis 2:18-24), and that God has ordained marriage (Malachi 2:15-16), consisting of one man and one woman (Mark 10:5-9), to be the foundation of the family (Ephesians 5:21-33) and to be the only legitimate and Godly expression of sexuality (I Corinthians 7:2-5, Hebrews 13:4).
Primary Bible Version Used:
Multiple Versions Used
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Living Word Evangelical Free Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 14901-1557.
Church Profile Manager: Patsy Drake