101-500 Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday 10:30 am worship service
Sunday 5:15 pm (UMYF) United Methodist Youth Fellowship and Bible Study
Sunday 6:30 pm evening worship service
Wednesday 6:30 adult Bible study and Children's Activities
(864) 859-1567

Pastor Rev. Cynthia Taylor
Our Mission
Serve Christ, Make Disciples, Transform the World...
We are one family adopted by the blood and resurrection of Christ. Siblings to Christ, sons and daughters of God. The Body of Christ is alive and moving. We are a church strives to be the hands and feet of Christ to our community. We are bound together by the love of Christ, unity of faith, and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. St. Andrew is a member of the United Methodist Church. As a denomination we are unified in tradition, liturgy, and theology.
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About St. Andrew UMC
We are a family of believers united by the death, resurrection, and love of Jesus Christ. We strive to show God's love to others by helping those in need in our community. Please come join our family and help us reach out to those in need.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Care Ministry: caring for home bound church and community members
St. Andrew offers assistance to those in need in the community as approved by the church leadership. If you have a need please call us and we will do all we can to assist you.
We believe in God. We believe God created the entire universe and everything in it. We believe God is still working in our world and in the hearts of people. We believe God has a plan to save ALL of creation and that we part of God plan.
We believe humans, both men and women, were created by God to be in a relationship with God, each other, and to take care of creation. We believe the only way for people to be truly good and worthy of heaven is to be in a relationship with God. We believe that when people act selfishly, pridefully, and dishonestly it breaks the relationship with God and because the relationship is broken the person is no longer truly good and cannot go to heaven.
We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe He is 100% God and 100% human. We don't understand how this works, it is a mystery that we won't understand until we go to heaven and God explains it to us. We believe Jesus came to earth, he was born, lived a perfect life, and died for all the evil in the world. We believe Jesus came back to life 3 days after he had died and returned to heaven. We believe Jesus will one day come back and permanently fix all the problems and evil in the world.
We believe the in the Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit is the presence of God that is given to everyone who believes Jesus has saved them from evil. The Holy Spirit acts as a guide and a helper.
We believe the Bible is God's instruction manual of how to have a good relationship with God. The Bible tells us about who Jesus is, who God is, who the Holy Spirit is, and who God wants us to be.
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
St. Andrew UMC is a Methodist Church located in Zip Code 29642.
Church Profile Manager: Karissa Whitcomb-Tavey