100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
11 George Street
Pawtcuket, RI 02860
United States
Service Times
Sunday Worship Service - 11:30am Thursday Intercessory Prayer - 5:00pm
(401) 390-2834
Pastor Troy Edwards

Our Mission

The VISION of Victorious Word Christian Fellowship is to establish a missionary minded and evangelistic minded church. Within this vision is our desire to make disciples through systematic Bible teaching and personal relationships. We desire to support missions abroad both financially and through prayer. This entails teachings God's people to prosper financially and praying effectively. The further vision of VWCF is to have a multicultural congregation and multiracial congregation of believers who are willing to take the gospel to their respective communities. Finally, we desire to see God work through signs, wonders and miracles as we present the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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About Christ's Victory Bible Teaching Center

Charismatic, Full Gospel, Word of Faith. Victorious Word Christian Fellowship is a Bible teaching church. Its truths enable us to live victoriously in every aspect of life.
Denomination / Affiliation: Charismatic
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: 20-30
Community Projects: 0-12


Church Ministries
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Christian Bookstore
Weddings and Receptions


■The Whole Bible and only the Bible is God’s Word ■The Tri-unity of the Godhead ■The Deity, Humanity, and Redemptive Work of Jesus The Messiah ■The Personality of The Holy Spirit ■The Fall of Man and His Redemption ■The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and the Evidence of Tongues ■The Gifts of The Spirit For Today ■The Reality of Satan and Demons ■The Reality of Angels ■Divine Healing for Body and Emotions ■Victory over Sin ■The Principles of Faith ■The Principles of Prayer and Fasting ■Evangelism and Discipleship ■Proportionate Giving (Tithing) ■Singing, Praising, and Dancing ■Water Baptism, Communion, and Foot Washing ■Faithful Participation in the Local Church ■The Open View of the Future ■Conditional Security ■The Final Destination of Those Who Accept Jesus (Heaven) and Those Who Reject Him (Hell)
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Eternal Security: Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Regularly Practice
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Christ's Victory Bible Teaching Center is a Spirit-Filled Church located in Zip Code 02860.

Church Profile Manager: Troy Edwards