Church Profile
Service Times
We hold service every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Seasonally (Lent, Easter, Advent) we have weekday services. Times for those can be found on our website.
(215) 342-2085
Pastor Joseph Klinger
Our Mission
To know Christ, to show Christ, and to grow in Christ
Our mission is to know Christ, to show Christ, and to grow in Christ.
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About Redemption Lutheran Church
Redemption Lutheran Church has been at the corner of Bustleton and Rhawn for over 80 years helping Northeast Philadelphia to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, serve their community, and grow in their faith. All are welcome in our church as we seek to live out our mission to know Christ, to show Christ, and to grow in Christ. Our services are held in the Lutheran tradition every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. At each service we hear the word of God in scripture, sing praise to our Lord, pray for those in need, preach God's word, and gather around the communion table. Service generally lasts around an hour. We also offer adult bible study after most services. We have a strong prayer ministry at Redemption that offers healing prayer the second Sunday of every month and a prayer circle the fourth Sunday of every month. Finally, due to a generous gift, the first Sunday of every month is Music Sunday at Redemption. We welcome a soloist from the community to share their gifts with Redemption. Over the year we also hold fellowship and service events including pot-lucks, community days, yard sales, and volunteer events. We hope you will come and join us sometime!
Denomination / Affiliation:
Evangelical Lutheran in America
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Other Language Services:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Christian School
Weddings and Receptions
Kids Summer Camp
We have a senior group, the Sages, that meets once a month for education and fellowship. We also have a strong prayer ministry that meets twice a month.
Redemption Nursery School is a direct ministry of the Redemption Lutheran Church, and was founded as a way to better serve our community. The Nursery School is a private, Christian, non-profit Nursery School that operates from September through May. We offer programming for children 3 and 4 years of age where children are nurtured and shown God's love. Our Philosophy is to focus on the growth of the whole child: physically, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually. We accomplish this by following a well-rounded curriculum centering on the child's ability to learn through play, exploration, and self-discovery.
We confess the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who create, restore, and sustain all things. We proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We believe the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth and preserves it in union with Jesus Christ in faith.
Faith is the relationship the Holy Spirit creates with us. It's a relationship where God's promise of steadfast love and mercy in Jesus opens us to a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in daily life.
We accept the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God. Despite the diversity of viewpoints and the complexity of the many narratives contained in the Scriptures, we believe that the story of God's steadfast love and mercy in Jesus is the heart and center of what the Scriptures have to say.
We believe that in the Sacrament the crucified and risen Christ is Present, giving his true body and blood as food and drink. Communicants receive not only bread and wine, but also the same body and blood of Christ that was given for us on the cross. This real presence is a mystery.
Martin Luther was a German theologian who realized that there were significant differences between what he read in the Bible and the practices of the Roman Catholic church at that time. On October 31st 1517, he posted a theological challenge on the door of Wittenberg University, titled "95 Theses". His hope was that the church would reform its practice and preaching to be more consistent with the Word of God as contained in the Bible. The ensuing debtate created a new branch of Christianity, today the Lutheran Church continues to serve God and spread the Gospel in line with Luther's beliefs, grace alone, faith alone, scripture alone.
Redemption Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is the largest Lutheran Church body in the United States. It is through the ELCA that we are able to unite with other churches across the nation to support those in need and gain support for our congregations. You can find more information about the ELCA and their mission at As part of the ELCA we are part of the local Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. The Synod provides support and care for congregations while organizing larger events across Philadelphia. You can find more information about the synod at
All are welcome to become Lutheran, regardless of background. If you are interested in becoming Lutheran or joining Redemption, contact Pastor Joey. You can also just worship with us without becoming Lutheran or becoming a member of Redemption for as long as you choose - you are welcome here!
Primary Bible Version Used:
New International Version
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Regularly Practice:
Congregational Readings
Redemption Lutheran Church is a Lutheran Church located in Zip Code 19152.
Church Profile Manager: Joseph Klinger