Meet The Pastor

Senior Pastor David Randall-Bodman
David is a native Downeaster, having grown up in the other Washington County, Maine. A graduate of Bowdoin College and Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York, David was ordained in 1988 at Centre Street Congregational Church United Church of Christ in Machias, Maine.
David was called to serve Bethel in 2003. Prior to his arrival in Oregon, he served churches in Boulder, Colorado and Harrisonburg, Virginia. David has encouraged the Bethel congregation to embrace a theology of grace. He is committed to the Still Speaking Initiative's core message: "no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!"
David's wife, Jeanne, serves as Pastor at Kairos-Milwaukie UCC. Jeanne and David live in the community and have two sons, Caleb and Jacob.