501-1000 Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Saturday at 4:30PM and Sunday at 9:00AM
(419) 478-9558

Pastor Fr. Speier
Our Mission
We, the St. Catherine of Siena Parish Family, a community of Christian people called to discipleship through Baptism, seek to share our giftedness and grow in our relationship with the Lord and one another. We gather around the table of the Lord in a spirit of unity and fellowship to be nourished by the Eucharist and strengthened by the Word. We are called, as individuals and as a community, to grow in prayer, worship, and education. The Lord sends us forth to be His witnesses and to minister to all in our parish and in our world. We support the active, the struggling, the alienated, and those in need. United by our faith, hope and love for Jesus Christ, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we seek to build the kingdom of God.
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About St. Catherine of Siena Toledo
A small church tucked away in a small giving West Toledo neighborhood. Established in 1930 with a school then a church in 1961, a finally a Siena Center parish activity center in 2000. St. Catherine School is now inclusive with the Northwest Community Catholic Schools. For information regarding St. Catherine School (which houses the Pre-School Program) please contact NCCS.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Roman Catholic
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Christian School
Mother’s Day Out
Weddings and Receptions
Annunciation Radio for Toledo and the surrounding area.
Feed Your Neighbor: a city-wide program in which St. Catherine of Siena participates.
Funeral Lunch Program
Church Operations and Cleaning:
Community Concerns: a group of parishioners that collect food and other goods and then donate to needy families.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: this group provides people within St. Catherine of Siena boundaries with food, clothing, used furniture and limited help with utilities, rent, prescriptions and medical equipment.
St. Louse Helping Hands: lunch team that helps serve food at St. Louis Helping Hands every 6 weeks.
Parish Nurse Program: Volunteers have a background in the health care field (RN’s & LPN’s) and are here to assist the parishioners with health related issues.
Adult Education
R.E.P. Religious Education Program for public school children in grades 1-6.
Marian Society: women of the parish hold various activities
Holy Name, men of the parish hold various activities
Ushers, Altar Servers, Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors
R.C.I.A. Right of Christian Initiation for Adults, classes begin in September and end at the Easter Vigil.
Grounds Crew: people of all ages that love to help tend to the beautiful flowers and shrubs around the parish.
Augsburg Lutheran Church: volunteers that assist with the distribution of food at the church.
Mass, dinner events, volunteering for many areas.
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
St. Catherine of Siena Toledo is a Catholic Church located in Zip Code 43612.
Church Profile Manager: Joseph Manner