1001-5000 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
101 S Lebanon Rd
Loveland, OH 45140
United States
Service Times
Saturdays @ 5 pm Sundays @ 8:45 am & 11 am Sunday School (PreK-Adult) @ 10 am Children's Worship and Nursery Care on Sundays
(513) 683-4244
Pastor Jonathan Eilert and Lorne Hlad

Our Mission

Mission: to live & love like Jesus In everything we do, we seek to model our lives around the character of Jesus. Our mission is not to be perfect, but to faithfully live and love with the same manner and mindset we find in Jesus. Vision: a world restored with grace & peace At Prince of Peace, we believe God is leading us to work towards a vision of the world that is restored and whole. This vision guides our decisions and our actions as together we seek to follow the Holy Spirit!

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About Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

WHAT TO EXPECT We are thrilled to have you join us. Here are a few things you may wonder about or notice when you come to worship. Come as you are: You will find people in t-shirts and jeans and others in suits and dresses. Just come, we don't care what you are wearing. Children are embraced: We value children of all ages, and are excited when they are with us in worship. We like kids in worship and we know they can make noise. That's awesome! It's the kind of noise we like to hear. We also provide nursery care at our 8:45 & 11:00 services. Worship is the "work of the people": Our worship is a communal experience and is central to our faith. Our time together is patterned around confession, forgiveness, singing, the Word of God proclaimed, communion, a blessing, and being sent back into the world! Communion: We celebrate communion every week and all Christians are welcome. People make an offering: A part of our service includes people who are supporting the mission of our church. As a new friend, we don't expect you to give so don't feel any expectations or pressure. People will say hi!: We love to make friends, and want everyone who comes into the community to feel embraced.
Denomination / Affiliation: Evangelical Lutheran in America


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Christian School
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Check out the many ministries of POP at


VALUES OF PRINCE OF PEACE Service Our faith propels us into lives of action to love and serve our neighbors and the world. Worship We celebrate the resurrection as a gospel community. Through Word and Sacrament we live into God’s grace-filled promise for the world. Invitation God welcomes everyone into the body of Christ. We respond by inviting all into lives of discipleship. Transformation The grace and peace of God changes our lives, forming us into the image of Christ. Connection The depth of God’s love draws us to invest in deeper relationships. Hope The resurrection is real for us. Jesus has overcome the power of death and darkness. We join him in the restoration of the world.
Baptism: Both
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is a Lutheran Church located in Zip Code 45140.

Church Profile Manager: Karen Skarda