Meet The Pastor

Bishop George A Roberts
Bishop George Andrew Roberts, Presiding Prelate and Senior Pastor of INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS * The Church of God of the Apostolic Faith International Ministerial Association, Inc. -- 1521 NORTH STREET FREMONT OHIO 43420. Was born on October 29, 1979 in St. Petersburg, Florida. He is the son of the late Claude and Patricia Roberts. He is the brother of 4 brothers, and 7 sisters. His mom and dad unfortunately divorced, and the family moved up to Ohio when he was 5. His mother, whom he considers the strongest/greatest woman he knows, raised 8 children by herself. He and his family were all gifted with ministry. Most of his family are gifted with the ability to sing, while Bishop Roberts is called into ministering the Word. He was prophesied over as a young man that this would come to pass. Bishop Roberts grew up in Fremont, Ohio and graduated from Fremont Ross in 1998. Here is where he got his beginning and was taught the ways of the Lord. They attended Christian Assembly, which was the "place to be" at that time. They were a place where a prophetic Word could be given, and it was here, that it was prophesied that many ministries would flow out from. Bishop Roberts would become born again at the age of 16. He would receive the Holy Ghost a year later during a youth revival. During the next year, he would be called to preach. Bishop Roberts would then began preaching in Youth Services, Youth Conventions, and worked in youth camp. In the spring of 2001, he would begin to feel the call to pastor. That summer, he would be asked to take a small church in Tiffin, Ohio. He would finish Bible Training in 2002 and would be licensed through The Church of God, located in Cleveland, Tennessee.
He would then marry Naomi Chapman on May 15, 2003. On March 22, 2004 his life would change with the addition of their son, Lincoln Henry Chapman-Roberts. Being a Father is one of the greatest honors bestowed upon him, and Lincoln is the greatest treasure given to him. It would be during the next few years, that his path would cross Bishop Lee Bowling, and a great friendship and future ministry partnership would take place. During this time, he would meet several people, who forever impacted his life. Those include, Pastor Chad Carter of Salem, Indiana; and Apostle Derrick Morant from Higher Ground Ministries, in Fostoria, Ohio. He would later adopt True Light Pentecostal Holiness Church of Toledo, Ohio and Bishop Sylvester Awls as his pastor. During these seasons, a new horizon would open for him as he would learn many things he had not learned where he had been for the previous 15 years. He would learn and experience how to effectively battle demonic warfare, the importance of decreeing and declaring prophetically and assisted in ordaining ministers and establishing new Churches.
Roberts is focused on setting an environment where people of all faiths and denominations can come together and hear the Word, a Right-Now Word, a Life-Changing and Prophetic Word. Bishop Roberts says, "I have a mandate from God to push the Church to manifestation, advance the Kingdom; Overtaking, Overwhelming, Overthrowing the gates of Hell, and Transforming lives, churches, and cities for the LORD. "