Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Classes 10 AM
Preaching 11 AM
Evening Service 6 PM
Wednesday PM 7 PM
(216) 671-2822

Co-Pastors Pastor Kevin Folger and Pastor Pete Folger
Our Mission
Preaching Christ Reaching the World
Brief History-Cleveland Baptist Church was established in August of 1958. The church was founded by Dr. Roy Thompson which he led for 37 years. During that time, the ministry experienced significant growth. The present auditorium was built in 1968 under Dr. Thompson’s ministry. The Lord used Dr. Thompson in a great way in Northeast Ohio. In 1995 Pastor Thompson transitioned the church to a new pastor, Dr. Kevin Folger. For more than 20 years Pastor Folger has led the church. Cleveland Baptist has had a rich history having celebrated over 60 years of ministry in the Greater Cleveland area.
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About Cleveland Baptist Church
Cleveland Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental and premillennial Baptist church. We use the King James Version of the Bible in all of our Sunday school classes and from the pulpit. “Preaching Christ, Reaching the World” is our mission statement. We desire for the Gospel to be proclaimed both here and around the world. What our community, our city and our world needs is Jesus Christ. We believe that tomorrow’s future begins with the teaching and training of today’s youth. Our desire is for each child to know Christ personally and to increase that relationship through a deeper understanding of God’s Word. As adults, the believer should continue to mature in his faith. We believe the Lord’s return is soon and the believer needs to watch for His coming. Each service has soul-stirring music and Spirit-led preaching. We believe the Bible is the standard for conduct in this sin-filled world and we take seriously its command to come out from the world and live a separated life. In today’s world of contemporary Christianity, we strive to practice a godly walk. We do not compromise with the ecumenical movement or any other organization that seeks to tear down the foundations of our faith.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Other Language Services:
Where We Stand-
Cleveland Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental and premillennial Baptist church. We use the King James Version of the Bible in all of our Sunday school classes and from the pulpit. “Preaching Christ, Reaching the World” is our mission statement. We desire for the Gospel to be proclaimed both here and around the world. What our community, our city and our world needs is Jesus Christ. We believe that tomorrow’s future begins with the teaching and training of today’s youth. Our desire is for each child to know Christ personally and to increase that relationship through a deeper understanding of God’s Word. As adults, the believer should continue to mature in his faith. We believe the Lord’s return is soon and the believer needs to watch for His coming. Each service has soul-stirring music and Spirit-led preaching. We believe the Bible is the standard for conduct in this sin-filled world and we take seriously its command to come out from the world and live a separated life. In today’s world of contemporary Christianity, we strive to practice a godly walk. We do not compromise with the ecumenical movement or any other organization that seeks to tear down the foundations of our faith.
Primary Bible Version Used:
King James Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
Cleveland Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 44144.
Church Profile Manager: Rebecca Suglio