Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
Meeting at Quality Inn, Blue Ash
5901 Pfeiffer Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45242
United States
5901 Pfeiffer Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45242
United States
Service Times
Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
(513) 307-2990
Rev. Dr. R. Edgar Bonniwell
Our Mission
The primary purpose of this church is to establish and maintain a place for worship for the Almighty God (recognized as the trinity; God the Father, God the Son; Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit).
Our goal is to develop a local body of Christians, non-denominational, committed to the faith once delivered unto the saints; who testify to new life in Christ made possible by acceptance of Him as Savior and Lord. We also recognize the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and accept and recognize the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through us, we believe that God is building a strong New Testament church of Spirit-filled believers, who are committed to prayer, praise, worship, loving one another, spiritual instruction, acts of service, personal ministries, evangelism, healing, and discipleship; and to assume our share of responsibility and the privilege of propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ by all available means: in our city of Cincinnati, Ohio and in the world we live in.
Former Member
Loved Hillside Bible Church and Dr. Ed Boniwell. The congregation was very kind and friendly.
About HillSide Bible Church
“A church for the spiritually hungry; for those who want to examine the Scriptures and discover the great heart of God.” Hillside Bible Church is a church without walls. We are not concerned with bricks and mortar. One never need worry about a pledge campaign to build a new building. Our vision is to connect people with the living Christ and to promote the cause of world missions, taking the gospel to the nations. At Hillside we keep it simple. We hope that you will attend and then come back and bring your friends. It’s a refreshing place where you will learn about the Bible and discover the great heart of the loving Christ.
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Church Ministries
Sunday School
Weekly Teleconferencing Bible Studies, Monday nights and Saturday mornings
Johnny Bag ministry to the homeless
Hillside Bible Church believes that hope, help, and healing is to be found in the Bible. Our gospel is good news and the heart of our great Savior is one of infinite love. At Hillside the Bible is faithfully taught; sound doctrine, great Biblical principles, and life changing truths are brought forth in ways that bring encouragement to modern people. Services run approximately an hour and fifteen minutes. You are welcome to come. Our worship is blended with very contemporary music and the great hymns of the faith. We serve Holy Communion every Sunday. The Senior Pastor, Dr. Ed Bonniwell holds two graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary at Princeton University, and has two doctorates which he earned at a Baptist Theological Seminary. Teaching is in the reformed tradition, soundly evangelical and Holy Spirit directed. Come and worship with us. It might just make all the difference for you in this life and in the next.
HillSide Bible Church is a Reformed Church located in Zip Code 45242.
Church Profile Manager: R. Spence