100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Worship - 10am
Tuesday Prayer Group - 6pm
Wednesday Bible Study/Life Group - 6pm
(315) 985-1740
Pastor-Teacher Chris Tringali
Our Mission
Learning God's Way and Living God's Ways. Glorify God, Love our neighbor
We seek to declare the Word of God to our community through biblical preaching ie: Expositional Preaching. We seek to share Christ with as many people as we can, to teach and to disciple others without compromising on the biblical truth's taught in God's Word.
This church has a small congregation... They are non-denominational, and do their best to learn and live by the New Testament principles of love and diciplship. Wonderful, intimate worship, sound, biblical preaching. Every week they have a meal after church - great...
Read more About Utica City Church
We are a smaller congregation - 35-60 people. We subscribe to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. The preaching is Expositional - verse by verse through the bible. The worship is both Traditional and Contemporary. The standard being that the lyrics must be scripturally sound and must glorify God by pointing us to Him. Every week, we have a fellowship lunch after service. We are committed to learning the Word of God, and living out the New Covenant Principles we have been provided with by God. We have weekly outreach year-round through a bread and clothing distribution ministry. Sunday Service - 10AM. Tuesday Prayer Group - 6PM-7:30PM. Wednesday Bible Study and Discipleship - 6PM-7:30PM. Thursday Outreach - 10AM-12PM.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Verse-by-Verse Teaching
Primary Language:
We Subscribe to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith: Copy and Paste:
We believe that Christ left us with 2 ordinances: Believers Baptism and The Lord's Supper - which we partake of every week.
We believe in the Supreme Authority of the Bible - God's Word.
We believe that the Bible is the Infallible, Spirit-empowered word of our Almighty, Sovereign, Immutable, Uncompromising and Loving Eternal God.
We Believe that God is one being, expressed through Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who individual in person are fully united and fully God in Being.
We Believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the human incarnation of the Son of God, 2nd person of the Trinity. We believe that Jesus is God's Savior for the world and that there is no other Savior who can redeem us, atoning for our sins and making it possible for us to be adopted back, by the Father, into the family of God. Jesus is the only means God has provided that any individual might escape the eternal judgment of hell.
We believe that because God is God, He is worthy of Praise, worship and eternal devotion! We are grateful to Him for saving us!
Primary Bible Version Used:
English Standard Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Utica City Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 13501.
Church Profile Manager: Chris Tringali