Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
6 Elizabeth St
193 Genesee St
Utica, NY 13501
United States
193 Genesee St
Utica, NY 13501
United States
Service Times
Sunday Liturgies and Schedule
•8:00 am Holy Eucharist & Homily
•9:10 am Christian Education for all ages
•10:30 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon
Weekday Liturgies
•Tuesdays ◦12:10pm Eucharist with Healing
•Wednesdays ◦7:30am Holy Eucharist in the Chapel followed by St. Hubert’s Guild breakfast
•Thursdays ◦12:10pm Noonday Prayer
◦12:10pm Noonday Prayer
(315) 733-7575

Rector The Rev. Georgina Hegney
Our Mission
We are a historic downtown parish reaching out to our diverse community, and fostering the Christian faith in the Anglican tradition through worship, music, fellowship and education.
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About Grace Church
A vibrant, growing parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York, located in the heart of Downtown Utica.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Ministry in the name of Christ is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian. Christian ministry is rooted in our Baptismal Covenant, the promises and commitments we make at the time of our Baptism. Listed below are some of the opportunities available in the parish.
Acolytes assist at services for Sundays, Holy Days, weddings and funerals. They lead the procession with crosses and candles, and, on feast days, with incense. They also assist the clergy at the altar. Membership is open to any member of the parish over the age of ten. Training sessions are given before a new acolyte is placed on the schedule.
Adult Forum
The Adult Forum meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the Board Room. The group has generally watches a video as a discussion-starter. These cover a wide variety of topics related to living a Christian life in the modern world. The focus of discussion includes questions of theology, ethics, liturgy and worship, ecumenism, scripture study and current issues. Participants include worshipers from both services on Sunday.
Altar Society
The Altar Society is divided into two groups. The Sacristy Committee attends to communion vessels and linens. The Flower Committee arranges flowers for the altars. The Society also oversees the care of altar linens, clergy vestments, needlepoint and candles. All duties generally take place before and after services with additional attention during Christmas and Easter. Membership is open to any member of the parish in good standing.
The choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Eucharist from September through mid-June. The music program also includes a Handbell Choir made up of ringers of all ages. The choirs are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music.
Membership in either of the choirs is open to anyone by means of a simple interview and audition. Parish membership is not a requirement for participation in either choir. Interested ringers or singers are always welcome to contact the Organist and Choirmaster. Mr. Smith may be reached by phone at 315-733-7575, Ext. 227; or by email,
Christian Education
This ministry provides Christian Education classes for preschool through teen-age children. The young people meet in the auditorium, and learn about the Bible as well as other topics, and often have craft projects They also have had special fund raising projects for selected outreach work.
Drop-in Center and St. Margaret's Food Pantry
This is a ministry for people who stop by the church for conversation, coffee and company. There are also books and magazines for reading. The food pantry offers service to people in need in the downtown geographical area. Our food pantry is regulated by the Fook Bank of Central New York and must abide by their rules. The Pantry is open Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Liturgical Ministries
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the administration of Holy Communion during celebrations of the Eucharist. Normally they assist with the chalice, but may also administer the Host at the discretion of the Rector. Necessary instructions are given prior to being placed on the schedule.
Lectors read the scripture lessons at the Eucharist and other liturgies, and also lead the Prayers of the People.
Greeters are some of the first people visitors meet when they come through the doors. We are always looking for welcoming individuals to help with this ministry.
M. Proctor Theatre Guild
The Guild produces at least one musical a year. Other performances are offered when the church activity calendar permits. Participants can be anyone from age 5 to adults. The purpose is to advance interest in and support of community performing arts.
Organ Scholar Program
Through the generosity of Emily Clark Bink, long-time Organist and Choirmaster at St. George's Church of Utica, an Organ Scholar program was established at that parish to encourage and support young people with an interest in studying organ. Lessons are provided, and in return the students assisted with the music program at St. George's Church. In 2004, the congregation of St. George's was consolidated with Grace Church, and the Organ Scholar program became a part of this parish. We have been blessed with the presence and participation of very gifted youth who participate in this program and make significant contributions to our worship life.
Parish Life Committee
The Parish Life Committee provides refreshments after each of the Sunday masses and plans special events throughout the year such as Oktoberfest, Mardi Gras, and Mother's Day and Father's Day brunches.
Thrift Store
Seasonal clothing in good condition and small household items are sold. Clothing is often provided free of charge for the homeless, those in need, and victims of house fires. The store is open Fridays from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. and is staffed by a dedicated group of volunteers.
Ushers welcome those who attend Sunday and special Holy Day worship, greeting them and passing out service leaflets. They collect the tithes and offerings of those present, and present them at the altar for a blessing and dedication to the work and ministry of the Church.
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
Grace Church is a Episcopal Church located in Zip Code 13501.
Church Profile Manager: Christopher Williams