100 or less Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
224 Chestnut Ridge Road
Rochester, NY 14624
United States
Rochester, NY 14624
United States
Service Times
Join us on Sunday mornings, at 9:30 am, for a time of worship, teaching and fellowship. We invite you to stay for a cup of coffee and a time of fellowship following our Sunday morning service.
Our Wednesday midweek Bible study begins at 7:00 pm, with a time of worship -- followed by our study of God's Word. Teachings by Pastor John are based on a line by line approach, coupled with the life applications that make it relevant for today.
Our Prayer group meets on Monday nights at 6:30 pm - we come together to align ourselves with the purposes of God and seek the power of the Almighty to act greatly on behalf of His children.
(585) 426-4780
Pastor John Tierney
Our Mission
The vision of Living Waters Christian Fellowship is to love people into God's kingdom and to continually encourage them toward a mature relationship in Christ Jesus. We believe this can be accomplished through spending time in God's Word, establishing a strong prayer life and through fellowship with one another on a regular basis.
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About Living Waters Christian Fellowship
Welcome to Living Waters Christian Fellowship! We are located in the town of Chili. Please join us each week for worship, Bible study and prayer. We invite you to stay for a cup of coffee and a time of fellowship following our Sunday morning service. Our regular events also include our mid-week Bible study on Wednesday evenings, and our Monday night prayer.
Our study of God's Word is based on a line by line approach coupled with the life applications that make it relevant for today. At Living Waters, we worship the Lord through contemporary music. While we are serious about living for Jesus, we are not overly concerned with outward appearance. Just come as you are into our casual, yet comfortable meeting place.
We love God's little lambs and provide a Children's Church environment where they can learn on their own level. We care about people and families, and sincerely hope that you would experience the love of Christ and be blessed, through the truth of God's Word, and the fellowship of His body, at Living Waters.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Beads and Blessings: is a Women's Ministry of Living Waters Christian Fellowship. God has used this ministry as a channel of blessing, to touch the lives of those who are going through difficult trials, offering hope and support to those in need. //
One Step To Freedom: is an Addiction Recovery Program and Ministry of Living Waters Christian Fellowship and Penuel Christian Fellowship, meeting on Friday Evenings, from 7 - 9:30 pm. Located at 10 Main Street, in LeRoy, NY.
WE BELIEVE there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all.
WE BELIEVE the SCRIPTURES of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, Fully inspired without error in the original manuscripts, and the infallible rule of faith and practice.
WE BELIEVE in GOD, THE FATHER, an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayers; and that He saves from sin and death all who repent and come to Him through Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE in JESUS CHRIST, God's only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings, His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people, and personal, visible return to earth.
WE BELIEVE in the HOLY SPIRIT, who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower for ministry all who believe in Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all the Biblical gifts of the Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that all PEOPLE are sinners by nature and choice and, therefore, are under condemnation; that God regenerates by the Holy Spirit, those who repent of their sins and confess Jesus Christ as Lord; that Jesus Christ baptizes the seeking believer with the Holy Spirit and power for service, often subsequent to regeneration.
WE BELIEVE in the universal CHURCH, the living spiritual body, of which Christ is the Head. All regenerated persons are members of His CHURCH.
WE BELIEVE the Lord Jesus Christ committed two ORDINANCES to the Church: 1) baptism, and 2) the Lord's Supper. We believe in baptism by immersion. We believe in communion open to all believers who have prayerfully considered and applied 1 Corinthians 11:26-30.
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
Living Waters Christian Fellowship is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 14624.
Church Profile Manager: Betty Carducci