Meet The Pastor

Rev. Dr. Ramon Bejarano
Dr. Ramón R. Bejarano, M.CC. (Canada Christian College, Ontario), D. Min. (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena CA), has been a minister for over fifty-five years. He served as General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Venezuela for fifteen years. He was secretary-treasurer of CELAD (a fraternal organization comprised of fourteen Latin American countries) for six years, and board member at-large for nine years. He was founder and president for seventeen years of the Association of Ministers and Churches of the Federal District and the state of Miranda, in Venezuela. For over twenty-five years he has served, along with his wife Beatriz, as pastor of the church Fieles Discípulos de Jesucristo, affiliated with the Eastern Hispanic District of the Assemblies of God, in Buffalo, New York.
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