100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday service 6pm
Monday women's prayer 7pm
Tuesday bible study 7pm
Thursday service 7pm
Friday men's prayer 7pm
(505) 604-8739

Senior Pastor Nextel and Rosa valdovinos
Our Mission
Spreading the good news to all families
No Reviews
Denomination / Affiliation:
Other Christian
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
the beliefs of the Church of God of Prophecy are based on biblical principles, we realize that we are on a spiritual journey striving to "walk in the light" when it comes to our understanding of timeless truth. The following doctrinal insights reflect our current findings through our International Assemblies. We must always be acutely aware that as human instruments, we are subject to limited comprehension. As such, we desire to continually seek greater light that better aligns us to Scripture and brings correction to our finite knowledge.
Henceforth, following each Assembly, the Biblical Doctrine and Polity Committee would be expected to make any further adjustments that would be required in light of this mandate to reflect Assembly decisions.
From its beginnings, the Church of God of Prophecy has based its beliefs on "the whole Bible rightly divided." We accept the Bible as God’s Holy Word, inspired, inerrant, and infallible. We believe the Bible to be God’s written revelation of Himself to mankind and our guide in all matters of faith; therefore, we look to the Bible as our highest authority for doctrine, practice, organization, and discipline.
The Church of God of Prophecy is firm in its commitment to orthodox Christian belief. We affirm that there is one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, the physical miracles He performed, His atoning death upon the Cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory at His second coming.
We profess that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for the salvation of sinful mankind.
We believe the sinner is brought to an awareness of the need for salvation through the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. We believe that in sanctification by the blood of Christ, one is made holy. We affirm the present, active ministry of the Holy Spirit who guides the Church and by whose indwelling and empowerment we are able to live godly lives and render effective service to God and others. We believe in the oneness and ultimate unity of believers for which our Lord prayed, and that this should be visibly displayed "that the world may know, see, and believe" God’s glory, the coming of His Son, and the great love He has for His people (John 17:20–23). We are committed to the sanctity of the marriage bond and the importance of strong, loving Christian families.
The Church embraces all biblical doctrines as taught in the New Testament and have listed some that may be helpful to believers seeking to mature in Christ Jesus
Older Children/adults
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Regularly Practice
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
IGLESIA DE DIOS DE LA PROFECIA is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 87107.
Church Profile Manager: Monica Sanches