100 or less Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Look for the tall pine trees!
1312 20th Street
Alamogordo, NM 88310
United States
Alamogordo, NM 88310
United States
Service Times
Bible class Sunday at 9:30 AM
Worship at 10:30 Am
Sunday Evening Worship 4:30 PM
Wednesday Bible Class 6:00 PM
(575) 551-6989

Minister Eddy Burks
Our Mission
We are a small growing congregation reaching up together to our Father in heaven in worship and fellowship, and reaching out to the community and the lost with the good news of salvation for all men through Jesus Christ our Savior.
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About Church of Christ
We are a small congregation that has been meeting for approx. two years. For more information check out our website at At our website you will be able to see a few photo's of the inside of our building and listen to a few sermons given by our Minister who is a graduate of Sunset International Bible Institute. Wednesday night we have classes taught directly from SIBI college professors on video and these are at no cost or obligation. Come visit us, we will make you feel right at home.
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Our Minister is trained to provide some Christian counseling services. It would be necessary to contact him to determine if he could be of assistance. Our Minister does wedding ceremonies for Christians only, after some marital counseling to ensure that it will be a lasting and scriptural union. Our Minister is available to do funerals upon request after consultation with regard to what is desired by the family.
We believe that the Bible is God's inspired word and is our only guide for knowing Him and His Son Jesus and knowing what He desires for our lives. Moreover, the Bible is the only means for man to know how to become a child of God and stay saved. Through the scriptures we learn that we must have faith; that we must confess Jesus as the Son of God (deity); we must repent by surrendering our lives to Jesus and following after His example in the New Testament; and by faith, we must be buried in the watery grave of baptism at which time our sins are washed away and we receive the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit. We must believe that God will do what He says He will do, in the place that He says He will do it, when we do what he asks us to do. It is in baptism, the place that God has chosen, that God does His miraculous work of removing our sins. We do not believe that we can work our way to heaven, if that were the case, Jesus would not have needed to go to the cross. We trust Jesus to save us and are grateful for His love and the love of the Father who has extended to us His grace through Christ. Paul in Romans speaks of faith as an "obedience of faith" and James says that "faith without works is dead." We cannot earn salvation by our works but our faith is manifested and perfected by our Christian works.
Older Children/adults
Eternal Security:
Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Church of Christ is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 88310.
Church Profile Manager: Eddy Burks