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Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Surge Service - 2:00pm
Xtreme Tuesday’s Bible Study - 7:00pm
(856) 428-1737

Bishop and Senior Pastor Jasper T. Daniels
Our Mission
Power House Kingdom Ministries was birth from the needs of our local communities. We started as a group that came out to pray on Wednesday nights. We would come weekly to pray for our local pastors, cities, state, government and families. At the time, many of our local communities were struggling financially, mentally and emotionally due to lack of jobs, sudden sicknesses and relationship failures. We realized that our cities needed more than our prayers but also our actions. We started by gathering in a small Apartment Complex Community Center in Trenton, NJ teaching how to make it through difficult times. We were able to speak life into the lives of many who were broken.
People left our gatherings at the apartment complex empowered to look for jobs, mend their marriages and better serve their communities. In one of our gatherings, we had been teaching on the importance of family time. We were all challenged to pick one day of the week to go to movies, sit at the table for dinner or have a game night with our families. One of the men who attended came back and said he had never been to the movies with his family. When he did the challenge with his family, he was overwhelmingly excited how his teenage daughter had finally open up to him to establish a relationship with him.
The prayer group expanded to a group of people eager to help our community. Starting with the people who attended then to the community, our goal had become to be a blessing to as many as possible. Food Baskets, gift cards, toys and clothes for families, can food drives and even shoe drives were among some of the things we were able to accomplish. One of the proudest moments of our ministry was raising toiletry products for Home Fronts Women Shelter. We brought boxes of soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo etc. to the shelter. When we dropped the items off we were able to tour the facilities and made a personal commitment to adopt this shelter as an ongoing outreach project. When we dropped of our items, the lady in charged was very grateful and expressed to us that they were at there last in those items and we were able to help restock their shelves. At that moment we knew this was what we were on the earth for.
We decided to reach out to the community in an unusual way to express our love for the people and tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. We reached out to one of the local movie theaters and arranged for us to have a Celebration Service in one of the theaters. We called it Leaping at the Movies. We encouraged the attendees that the possibilities in life were endless. We encouraged them to take leaps of faith like our forefathers did. The movie theater was packed with singing, dancing, leaping people from the surrounding communities. It was interesting to see people coming to see movies, peaking their head in and eventually coming into the theater to fellowship with us.
We then thought if we could do the Movies; why not attempt to do the Mall! So that’s exactly what we did. We reached out to one of the local malls to have another Celebration Service. This was one of our favorite gatherings because local shoppers were attracted to the groovy music and dancing. People came with their Annie Anne Pretzels and shopping bags and grabbed a seat to hear the empowerment lesson for the day. We received a letter from one of the attendees. They expressed to us, that the person who bullied them in High School (almost 10 years ago) stood by them at our prayer time. They were able to embrace each other and forgive one another right their on the spot. The young lady expressed to us that she never thought that would happen but she was appreciative that we were there that day. She encouraged us to continue what we were doing.
As we embark on the next phase of our journey, we are really excited about becoming the Worlds Resource. The official Start of Power House Kingdom Ministries, was on September 8, 2013. Under the Leadership of our founder and Pastor, Jasper T. Daniels III, we know that the limits for PHKM are endless.
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About Power House Kingdom Ministries
Power House Kingdom Ministries,
The Institution for the Radicals
Welcome to the Power House Kingdom Ministries Web Experience. It is amazing how technology gives us the ability to connect with the world. Can you imagine the level of ministry Jesus or some of the early apostles and disciples could do if they could send a “tweet” or maybe a “selfie” of their experiences with Christ? Imagine you taking a “selfie” on Instagram with Lazarus just after Jesus raised him from the dead or posting a video on Social Cam of Jesus feeding the 5000 with two fish and 5 loaves of bread. With technology being used for so many wrong reasons, we invite you to experience hope, inspiration and the love of Jesus Christ.
During your visit, you will have the opportunity to see ministry and purpose from our lens as well as stay current with our latest news and events. It is my prayer that the blogs uplift you, the sermons challenge you and the media pictures/videos ignite passion in you to live, “all out” for Jesus. Don’t forget to send us your prayer request. We desire to connect with you as well especially in prayer.
May your experience today be the beginning of something great!
Kingdom Blessings,
Jasper T. Daniels, Servant-Pastor
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Church Ministries
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Regularly Practice
Power House Kingdom Ministries is a Spirit-Filled Church located in Zip Code 08505.
Church Profile Manager: Kenneth Welch