Meet The Pastor

Pastor Eric P Davis
Bless God, Bless Others, Be the Blessing. Our current pastor, Eric Davis, having come to faith under the ministry of our founding pastor, Walt Zimmerman when he was just 17 years old, embraces the same values of abundant truth and abundant grace existing in tension that Pastor Zimmerman taught.
Pastor Davis and Trisha have three wonderful children. An adult daughter who has blossomed while living with Cerebral Palsy. Another daughter 10 years younger than their eldest, whom they describe as their puzzle piece indicating the blessing that she is, being someone they hadn't realized they were missing. Finally they have a son, who is their pride and joy.
Our theme verse under Pastor Davis is found in 1 John 4:17. He defines our vision today from this verse… “To raise up a generation of believers that are ‘as he is, in this world‘”. Under Pastor Davis we have adopted the motto “Bless God, Bless Others, Be the Blessing” because being like Jesus means blessing the Father and loving the world. It means that we become the hands, feet, heart and mind of Jesus in our culture.