Meet The Pastor

Lead Pastor Nathan Gagne
Hey! I’m so glad that I get the chance to introduce myself to you even if we have not met as of yet. I’m Nate and I am honored to be the Lead Pastor at Restoration Church. Pastoring Restoration has been one of the greatest joys of my life and I am so excited you came out to Restoration Church for the first time last week. I am a little biased, but I think Restoration could easily be your favorite place to be on Sundays - I know it's mine! The other great joys of my life are my wife Michelle, whom I’ve been lucky enough to be married to for the last 11 years, and my four energetic boys. Outside of pastoring the church and being a husband and father, I love to eat anything with maple, try new things, cheer on the Patriots, and look for the best place to get whoopie pies around New England. I love being a really small part of what God is doing here and I hope that we’ll get a chance to get to know one another better. Hope to see you soon!