Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday School: 10:00am
Worship: 11:00am
Wednesday Night Bible Study: 6:45pm
Wednesday Night Youth: 6:45pm
Wednesday Night Children In Action: 6:45pm
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9:00am to 1:00pm
(336) 924-2771

Rev. Will Watson
Our Mission
Every Member a Servant
Christ has commissioned us to reach out to nonbelievers with the life changing message of Jesus while encouraging believers to become fully devoted followers of the Savior. (ref. Matt. 28:19-20)
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About United Baptist Church
United Baptist Church is a moderate Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC, seeking to bear witness to Jesus our Savior, bear one another's burdens, and bear fruit that lasts.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Food Pantry
Vacation Bible School
Kids Summer Camp
Living Touch Circle -- Many of our UBC ladies meet together on the second Tuesday of the month to engage in missions activities and projects which bless the community, especially those in need. They also care deeply for one another in the Circle. They meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm.
United Baptist Men -- Our United Baptist Men are on mission to serve God and his people; they enjoy fellowship, preparing events and doing acts of service in the church and for the community. They meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm.
Sonshine Mission Group -- This group of ladies began as a Sunday School class and by the Spirit's design began living out their faith and their love for Jesus through mission work and projects in the community. They meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11:00am.
Young at Heart -- This group of senior adults meets for two purposes: 1) create and enjoy fellowship meetings/events with fellow Christ-followers; 2) serve the needy/hurting in the local community. They meet the 1st Friday of the month at 11:00am.
United Crafters -- This group meets to learn about and make new crafts, often donating these crafts for use with specific church ministries. Members enjoy great fellowship and lunch, too. They meet the 1st Tuesday of the month from 10am-12pm.
Youth Ministry -- The youth ministry at UBC provides each 6th-12th grader the opportunity for weekly Bible study as well as several missions events and trips throughout the year. They participate in the 30-Hour Famine for World Vision and lead us in worship during Youth Sunday each year. They meet each Wed. night at 6:45pm in the youth room.
Children's Ministry -- Our children enjoy Sunday School, toddler's and children's church during worship, and learn about and participate in missions through Children in Action (CIAs). Here, they discover the world through the eyes of missionaries and earn badges for completing missions tasks/activities. CIAs meet each Wed. night at 6:45pm in the children's room.
Congregational Worship -- Sunday mornings we gather to praise the name of Jesus Christ through song, prayer and word, led by our music minister. While we enjoy singing traditional hymns of praise, we also honor God through a contemporary praise song from time to time. Additionally, vocal and piano solos, duets and ensembles provide musical worship to our Lord during the Sunday 11am hour.
Adult Choir -- Our adult choir ministers to God and congregation most Sunday mornings, singing anthems which seek to praise and honor our Savior. Our music minister leads the choir and rehearses with them on Wed. nights. Our adult choir also prepares special music for Easter and presents a Christmas Cantata during Advent. The adult choir meets each Wed. night at 7:45pm in the choir room.
Clothes Closet: God continues to bless us and we continue to grow and help folks in our part of the world. We aren’t set up for folks to come shop outside of our sale days but we are glad to assist those with immediate needs if they contact us. We are willing to try to fulfill “orders” for clothes if we can be provided with the necessary information. We aren’t trying to maintain any stockpile—we trust that God will replenish and overfill our storerooms! If you hear of someone who has emergency need of clothes please have them call us. We’ll be glad to help out assuming that we have the clothes available.
We are broken and forgiven followers of Jesus called to know God and make Him known in our communities and in our world; a family where everyone is nurtured and loved.
Primary Bible Version Used:
New International Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
United Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 27106.
Church Profile Manager: Denise Stroup