
Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
United States
Service Times
Sundays, 9:30 A.M. Wednesdays, 6:00 P.M. Select Fridays, Prayer Service
(336) 924-9658
Senior Pastor Nicole Neil

Our Mission

We, the Ministry of Living Word Fellowship, are a Family of Spirit-led believers purposed to fulfill our Right-Standing with God ...
To make disciples of all men, To Train the untrained, To Teach the untaught...

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About Living Word Fellowship Church

Living Word Fellowship Church is a Non-Denomination Ministry that is Ordained by God to... - To Make Disciples of ALL Men - Train the untrained - Teach the untaught - Bring ALL Men into the Perfect Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ - Equip ALL Men to fulfill God's Purpose for them in doing the work of The Ministry...
Denomination / Affiliation: Non-Denominational
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 0-12
Primary Language: English


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Mother’s Day Out
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Food Pantry
Kids Summer Camp


WE Know God wants us to Live this Life VICTORIOUSLY! Therefore, We Believe... * The Scriptures - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the product of Holy men of old who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. The New Covenant, as recorded in the New Testament, we accept as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine. (II Timothy 3:16; I Thessalonians 2:13; II Peter 1:21) * The Godhead - Our God is One, but manifested in three persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 2:6; Matthew 3:16-17) * Salvation - Salvation is the gift of God to man, separate from works and the law and is made operative by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, producing works acceptable to God. (Ephesians 2:8) * Water Baptism - Baptism in water is by immersion; it is a direct commandment of our Lord, is for believers only and is done in the Name of Jesus, according to Acts 2:38. The ordinance is a symbol of the Christian’s identification with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection. (Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12; Acts 8:36-39) * Baptism in the Holy Ghost - The Baptism in the Holy Ghost is a gift from God as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are believers in this dispensation and is received subsequent to the new birth. – This experience is accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit Himself gives the utterance. (Matthew 3:11; John 14:16-17; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:38-39; Acts 19:1-7; Acts 2:4)
Primary Bible Version Used: King James Version
Baptism: Both
Communion Frequency: Monthly
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Regularly Practice


Living Word Fellowship Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 27106.

Church Profile Manager: NICOLE NEIL